Now UK Christians are in a minority: Number of people who say they do not identify with any religion reaches almost half after doubling in the past three years

Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail

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Rejecting Jesus Christ results in chaos.
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RedneckhillbillyReply topurityandjustice
So the whole world is living in harmony today then??? Religion is wreaking havoc on us all.
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mrmark1977Reply topurityandjustice
Using the word 'rejecting' is a fine example of Christian dishonesty.Of course, you don't question things, and may not be capable of even thinking about such things, but the word 'reject' is used to make it look like the non-believer is somehow 'believing Jesus/God exists', but 'saying thanks but no thanks'.No, non-believers reject THE IDEA that God exists. They do not believe he exists, hear his offer of heaven and then say 'I don't want it'.Unfortunately, a lot of Christians are incapable of seeing such deception when these Christian buzzword bingo phrases come up.They sneer and say 'the non-believer rejected god, threw his offer back in his face, the ungrateful atheists'. They are seemingly incapable of seeing the difference between rejecting an offer, and not believing there's an offer in the first place.
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Nehemiah ScudderReply topurityandjustice
The part of European and British history in which the Christian religion held maximum power is referred to as "The Dark Ages"
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F Constantine
The communist grip becomes tighter and tighter. Atheists that end up living long enough will truly come to regret their actions upon seeing the future they created.
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Miss Floribunda RoseReply toF Constantine
What you believe is untrue, Constantine. You have wasted your life believing in nonsense.
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Hugh G. HamptonReply toF Constantine
Hahahahahaha, keep em coming.
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kevl17Reply toF Constantine
Typical moro n conflating one thing they don't like with another. As if communism and atheism have anything to do with one another. You know Jesus was basically communist right?
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jasperReply toF Constantine
Sure and we are all going to burn in hell too. Heard it all before and I'm not impressed.
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So more than 50% don't get it. Shame because the true message of Christ is love. Love the Lord your God and your neighbour as yourself and if you stopped being cynical the world might be a better place. Your choice.
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Hugh G. HamptonReply toMildres
All well and good but when the neighbour gets involved things can turn nasty if the other half comes home early.
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AtheistReply toMildres
Believe what you want, but you can't say something is so when you don't hold any evidence, people are waking up to the god myth.
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MildresReply toMildres
There you go again. Being cynical. What are you afraid of? Don't knock it until you try it. Just try quiet contemplative prayer. It works.
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Grumpy Oldish WomanReply toMildres
Tell that to some of the so-called Christians here. The ones posting vitriolic bile.
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The Royal
ATHEISTS LOVE IS/LAM! The more atheists there are, the more Is/lam you get!
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Gus_MacduffReply toThe Royal
how'd you figure that one?
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Geesus vs YeezusReply toThe Royal
As an atheist I just wish religion came with a remote so i can set it on mute
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The RoyalReply toThe Royal
Britain is more Is/lamic now that it ever has been. Who encouraged that?
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DebsReply toThe Royal
I suspect you are trolling but just in case you're not do I really need to point out that Atheists don't support any religions?
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sclerderReply toThe Royal
When you believe in nothing, you can believe in anything
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jasperReply toThe Royal
Atheists don't believe in any god. So why would an atheist favour one medieval god based superstition over another, it doesn't make sense?
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As an American woman living in London I have to say that like most intelligent people, I am an atheist. I don't let the insane mutterings of desert dwellers affect my life. But I still appreciate the glory and majesty of the Catholic church and how it has inspired artists, builders and even a few mad men to amazing feats and works of art over the centuries.
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Thunder ThighsReply tojaneyBB
You, like most of us, are being governed by liars and che ats in positions of power who pass laws that affect your everyday life. So, I'm not sure why you are so high and mighty.
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manyatruewordReply tojaneyBB
Welcome back Janey, it's been a while.
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LindatomReply tojaneyBB
What a superior attitude.
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Farmer15Reply tojaneyBB
Psalm 14 verse 1 .. The fool has said in their heart there is no God ....
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SebSevenReply tojaneyBB
Is it OK to quote old testament stuff. The old testament also says that it's OK to have slaves and to stone your children to death.
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mrmark1977Reply tojaneyBB
Yes Farmer15, in other words, god made some stupid people who were too stupid to belive he exists, and then punished them for being too stupid to believe he exists.Next time, think about what nonsense bible lines you parrot.I mean really THINK about what they mean, if you are capable.
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Khairul Jaffar
Good news. Britain should be a secular country.
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Paul Hollywood
Europe has no beliefs, and that's why you will fall.
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rusty13Reply toPaul Hollywood
It's becoming more and more true in the U.S. too, sadly. We're seeing the loss of respect for life, people and property. Look at the loss of community and the increase in violence. I often wonder if the increase in drug addiction we hear about daily in the news is people trying to numb themselves out pain of not believing that their lives have meaning and a purpose.
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kevl17Reply toPaul Hollywood
You have your facts all wrong. Violence and drug use have both been on a steady decline in the united states since the 80s. You just hear more about it now.
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its a good thing i guess as religion is for people who are bonkers.
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LindatomReply toChefBryn
Whatever religion anyone belongs to shows that they do not take their existence for granted.
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However all these atheists seem to find God again when they are close to death.
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mrmark1977Reply topetski
No they don't.
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FlumpoReply topetski
Strange how many believers seem to lose faith in being healed by faith and switch to medicine at the end.
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Robster7Reply topetski
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Robster7Reply topetski
How exactly can you find something that dosent exist ?
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kevl17Reply topetski
Well that's just not true. If there's one thing you can say about Christians it's that they are pathological liars.
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Frank the rabbitReply topetski
They claimed Pratchett found God after his condition began to worsen. His response was that he currently struggled to find his keys, and that was with empirical evidence the keys existed.
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God is Santa Claus for adults.
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StumsteroftruthReply toSebSeven
Best comment on this site.
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Religion, a club for those that can not think for themselves, can not understand the law and lack common sense.
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Joe1959Reply toAlby
So says someone who lives in a country where adults cant decide whether a child can miss a day at school to attend their grandfathers funeral and need the permission of someone else, so says some that follows laws made by an unelected chamber an unelected E.U. So says someone who stopped beliving in god and handing all power to a Government to take the place of God. I can think for myself and I believe in God not Governments who think they are Gods
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Joe1959Reply toAlby
Maybe they understand more than you think, Maybe its yourself that does not understand. One day something might happen to make you think otherwise.
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God is not real. Only Michael Jordan and Brian Laudrop during his time at Rangers come close.
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I find it disappointing that our populous are now so ignorant that they can reject Christianity ( and many cannot distinguish here between this one specific religion and religion in general) but are only too willing to buy into atheism and package deals of quasi psychology such as mindfulness and well being which really pedal religion without God .Even Atheism has found the need to create some sort of club to promote itself - complete with its meetings and youth camps. Its all show and very little go.
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EricReply tosclerder
What the hell are you talking about?
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HrodebertReply tosclerder
You have absolutely no idea, have you?
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Miss Floribunda Rose
Even if a God does exist, so what? God cannot save you. He cannot even save Himself. God is just as futile and lost as the highly imperfect universe He Himself has created.
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dennisReply toMiss Floribunda Rose
Ah but you see, the Universe is perfect; it is the people in it who are not.
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Hugh G. HamptonReply toMiss Floribunda Rose
Agreed, wasps were a definite mistake. Wasps and Heineken "beer".
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When I was in my teens (I was born 1942) I never thought I would see the day that Churches were being closed at such a rate and such a large amount of British people didn't believe in God. The reason this has happened is because so many other faiths have been introduced into Britain, the other people believe in God unquestionably. Until we return to God things will continue to go wrong for us, not necessarily because he exists ( I believe he does) but because humans need a higher power to believe in, belief in God has got us through many difficult times in past centuries. Other faiths will eventually take over Britain, and pursue Christians to destruction. It's not the Bishops that you have to believe in but the power that God has, like we're do we originate from?
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ChalkwizardReply toGranddad2419
The reason it has changed is EDUCATION
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PukkajoyReply toGranddad2419
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Grumpy Oldish WomanReply toGranddad2419
An interesting post, but I do not necessarily agree with your point that the introduction of other religions has turned so many people away from the Christian church. Many leave because they give up on all religions, not just the Christian one. In my case I turned my back on it because of the way the local churchmen behaved so disgustingly when my sister was stillborn, and because I could accept the historical Jesus, but not the part about him being the Son of God. It has not pushed me into the arms of any other 'introduced' religion. If anything, it has made me think more about the religion which was here in the British isles for centuries before your Jesus was even born. As my 77 year-old father said the other day, at least the other religions who pray to effigies, pray to something which they can see.
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keith 62 norwichReply toGranddad2419
No free will ;; our god won't force you to do anything if you walk away that is your choice ;;Some religions whom we cant name will not give you that choice it's their way or no way
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Grumpy Oldish WomanReply toGranddad2419
Pukkajoy - oh, the irony in telling a 74 year-old gentleman to 'grow up'. It is you who either need to learn some manners and respect your elders - or at least learn how to turn your cap lock off!
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andyReply toGranddad2419
Christianity started in the middle east and was "introduced" to these islands- at the point of a sword, so I'm not sure I really understand you point- it's no more a religion of this islands than any of the newer arrivals are
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RogerReply toGranddad2419
Andy, Christianity came to Britain very early and was spread by the Celts. At that time Britain was under Roman rules and Christians were routinely murdered. Read a little history !
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LilylooReply toGranddad2419
As a former Catholic, and now atheist, I can tell you that you are you are wrong to say its because "so many other faiths have been introduced into Britain". The reason is because people now have more access to knowledge and education and pursue continued learning. They questioning and discover then physics of the universe. Unlike religion, science doesn't claim to know all the answers, but what science tells us is far more incredible and compelling than a bunch of made up stories that are designed to make people conform to a set of rules and never question.
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Granddad2419Reply toGranddad2419
Pukka. Nice name, I have my belief, you have yours. There is no need to shout and be rude. It's bullies like you , that have caused the Christian population to fall. My belief has got me through many bad times in my life.
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This also shows how dumbed down our society has become.Whether you believe in a faith or not, all our laws are based on the Christian Bible (10 Commandments) so those who don't identify, obviously have no base understanding of how it all works... or how it came to be!
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SebSevenReply toCapricorn01
What commandment refers to drink driving?
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Isabella_JackmanReply toCapricorn01
Thou shalt not kill. Easy.
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EricReply toCapricorn01
'Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.' - Christopher Hitchens
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EricReply toCapricorn01
@SebSeven, there isn't one because the 'commandments' were thought up thousands of years ago. The rest of the world moved with the times!
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david grantReply toCapricorn01
The Ten Commandments were made in the Old Testament,which,by definition,was before Christ and therefore cannot be termed,as you say,the Christian Bible.
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EricReply toCapricorn01
I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. Timothy 2:12
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SebSevenReply toCapricorn01
The OP stated that ALL of our laws are based on the ten commandments. Personally I think that religion is a load of rubbish, I was forced to go to church as a child but the indoctrination didn't work on me.
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l guess in this day and age, people no longer believe in religions, what a shame...
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Ulfric Stormcloak2Reply tozeehedge
IS would beg to differ.
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JayTaysReply tozeehedge
Probably not a shame for all those who have suffered through the church. Kids who have been abuse by priests, unwed mothers abused by nuns, that kind of thing.
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Mrs AngreeeReply tozeehedge
Why is it a shame? People are now free to use their own minds to explore their world instead of having their thoughts dictated to by the church. Countless people suffered for having religion in their lives so would we really be better off going back to those days? The rapidly dwindling congregations suggest that religion has had it's day.
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My religion will dominate this country
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RoibeárdReply tomoh28
Christians would never set out to eliminate your religion but these atheists sure will. They don't believe in anything only power in this life.
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oldmothershiptonReply tomoh28
But not yet. So keep driving your taxi.
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StokeyReply tomoh28
However fanatical you are about religion it will never dominate here. There are too many intelligent people here who simply don't have time for that sort of nonsense. Religion is for weak minded fools in the Middle East.
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jonyarmsReply tomoh28
No Stokey, religion is for the weak minded everywhere.
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ROBURReply tomoh28
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Grumpy Oldish WomanReply tomoh28
Will you religion eventually teach you how to put a full stop at the end of a sentence?
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somesenseReply tomoh28
Your religion will have almost wiped each other out within 30 years. Just carry on fighting amount yourselves and leave the rest of us out of it - it is what you have been doing for 800 years.
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I believe in Jesus Christ, having had such a profound experience of him when, as a child, I was in grave danger. That belief is not dependant on following any particular religion.
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FlumpoReply tomrmac9
It sort of clashes with Judaism?
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FlumpoReply tomrmac9
It sort of clashes with Judaism?
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robbiepatonReply tomrmac9
Jesus stole my kit kat. I don't trust him
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I may have put myself in this category 10 years ago but 30 + years in the middle east will change your mind. There will be one religious community clapping its hands to hear this. There will be less people to object when they burn our churches down and tear up our Bibles. And when you are forced at the threat of losing your head to get on your knees and bow in a certain direction, it will be too damn late to realise the value of what Christianity actually stands for. Richard the Lion Heart got it right.
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TheBearReply toSharkie
It is not one religion that stands as a bulwark to other religions, but common sense, humanity and rational thought.
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disco666Reply toSharkie
Utter nonsense.Just because one religion is phoney, it does not mean we should choose another just to counteract this.We should oppose ALL religions with equal vigour- just because one has been here for longer it does not make it any more real than the others.
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