Now UK Christians are in a minority: Number of people who say they do not identify with any religion reaches almost half after doubling in the past three years

Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail

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It was like this 60 years ago, before mass immigration. Even then most Britons were only nominally Christian and not churchgoers.
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Granddad2419Reply toROBUR
Robur. Not where I lived
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I enjoyed believing in God and having faith as a child, that's all it is -faith and hope. As the world has turned to sh-t I've stopped believing which is a shame really.
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clanlaurieReply toMissS
Take pride in thinking for yourself.
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And this is evidenced by the poor morals and values that exist nowadays!
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Its no wonder, the christian church is out of touch with the people.
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Once again. If Religon was eliminated, there would be more madness in this world. Do you know why? because Man is the issue, we will argue over race, skin colour, gender, social class, and even our preference for meat or what football team we support will divide us. Man is the issue, always has been.
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ROBURReply toRealTruth
That is true, but nature itself is extremely cruel, amoral and barbaric.
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Just over a week ago I attended a confirmation service where 29 youngsters and adults were confirmed. Apparently it is the most they have had for several years so perhaps its on the up!
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You're too busy being blinded by your money god, endorsed by greedy politicians, Kings and Queens, and those with great wealth. There's no wonder that crime and hate is so rampant in this godforsaken land! YES, there is a money God! The only God that many understand!
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ChalkwizardReply toSparky123
Money god? Isn't it the church that passes out the collection plate?
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mattygrovesReply toSparky123
Are not the Kings and Queens of this country the Heads of the CoE?
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Hacked_OffReply toSparky123
Have you seen the wealth of both the CofE and the RC church? Yet they still don't pay any TAX
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spirit of liberty
The fastest growing religion is pastafarianism. Look it up.
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clanlaurieReply tospirit of liberty
Nonsense, the Loch Ness monster is the true God. He has revealed herself many times.
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Someone Else2Reply tospirit of liberty
All hail the Invisible Pink Unicorn
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Another census. Where do they ask these questions? Like the referendum, I have yet to see a questionnaire.
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In a perfect world there would be a god, but we don't live in a perfect world do we, everything on earth is being created and controlled by man, hence the turmoil
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RichardReply toPhilip
There is a God and He loves you.
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PhilipReply toPhilip
There, your trying to control me
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mattygrovesReply toPhilip
So where is she hiding, Richard?
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The sooner its 100% realizing that religion was invented to keep the few in luxury at the expense of the many - the better!
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I was Christened as a child but I am in no way religious. However, I do believe there is some force that we don't understand or know about and the reason I think this is because I look at living things like plants and animals, including us, and can see we are engineered, designed to survive in our environments. Brains, lungs, feet, eyes....all parts of our body are designed to serve a purpose. You could say this is Mother Nature and we have evolved but there must be some kind of intelligence behind all this. Living things don't design themselves, so who or what does?
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CazzablancaReply toRacey1979
Yep. It's how things evolve.
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Lavender rose
Are you surprised, religion causing no ends of problems. If very British to just opt out.
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In the past, some I have helped, particularly an elderly and/or disabled person, has grasped my hand and said to me 'You're a Christian'. I never know what to say, so I just smile, but it seems strange that they must think only a Christian can help another human being? If I said, 'No, I'm an atheist¿, would that have been unkind? I don't know. Those of other races or religions usually say nothing or say thank you, so why the difference?Anyway, I always bear in mind that quote of Clare Booth Luce - 'No good deed goes unpunished' because I know from experience that is true, so it is best to expect nothing more, but just carry on as usual.
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RogerReply toBabblerem
Actually you're an atheist with Christian morals. Atheists like Stalin, Chairman Mao etc would have had her shot instead.
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Itsmyopinion.Reply toBabblerem
I prefer the term agnostic, as I do have faith, but my faith is in humanity, science and living things.
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robbiepatonReply toBabblerem
Oh roger you are a bore
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Lack of transparency and lack of democratic election system, no surprise.
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In an attempt to make the church more relevant pressure groups from within have succeeded in pushing out/away the many. The internal environment, the order of service and the championing of causes are unrecognisable to me as the church of my youth, whilst I strive to live by the tenants of the bible The church of today feels alien to me - it is certainly not a 'rock of ages'.
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spirit of liberty
In the UK you have a state religion at least. Making the iranians almost jealous.
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brown boots1
Very many Christians don`t go to church.
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madame x
What do you expect we have no say anymore without offending the others.
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Granddad2419Reply tomadame x
I agree madam X.
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Lord_James_of Luton
How do you define a "Christian"? There are dozens of different denominations of it. If you said that a Christian is "someone who believes Jesus died for their sins", very few people these days would believe that.
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