Now UK Christians are in a minority: Number of people who say they do not identify with any religion reaches almost half after doubling in the past three years

Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail

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Tiny Timmy
The answer is simple ...Bring back REin ools as compulsory and don't allow opt out
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nullReply toTiny Timmy
It is compulsory. They learn about all religions but it is illegal for teachers to influence children's religious or political views in any way.
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KentkidReply toTiny Timmy
RE is still taught in schools as part of the national curriculum until yr 10. RE is (and was also in your day) a multi faith subject. You seem to have been misinformed.
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sclerderReply toTiny Timmy
RE has only been multi faith since the late 1980's. It certainly was not so in my day or the days of many others here. Its multi faith and atheist doctrines that have led to the current demise in my opinion.
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Hacked_OffReply toTiny Timmy
Seems like the indoctrination is the only way you can get kids to believe that rubbish isn't it
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God is a man-eater.
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Most people just sleepwalk from birth to death. Meanwhile, they have lots of distractions to keep them occupied. Few have any real powers of logic or rhetoric, even the would-be rationalists, only cocky assertions and protestations. Name-calling is always an easy option. If you hold that the only truths are scientific truths, you end up with a very truncated, even false, view of the human experience.
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HaroldReply tohedjuk1
As you say, you are sleepwalking. Dreams are embroidered with make-believe and lots of nonsense.
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Don't forget to thumbs up your own comments, you arrogant, self-serving, GODLESS lot!
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Grumpy Oldish WomanReply toSparky123
How not to post as a Christian...
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Half the population ??? I wasn't asked and neither was anyone else I know in the survey, so how can you say that ?
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alhldGitReply todavid_hughes_uk2000
Didn't you take part in the 2014 census - everyone else did?
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Itsmyopinion.Reply todavid_hughes_uk2000
Never filled in a census?
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Someone Else2Reply todavid_hughes_uk2000
Do you understand what a representative sample is?
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I'm a seven day adventurer, it's a fun religion.
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fizgoggReply toabiggatelli
Do not you have a day of rest?
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Who wants to believe in loving the neighbour, not stealing, murdering and being greedy for money. Let's just do what we want. The devil surely has won
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Ulfric Stormcloak2
The righteousness of All'ah is the only truth.
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Sharon1Reply toUlfric Stormcloak2
Deluded and deceived.
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Most people I know are not religious or church-goers but still abide by the Christian values that made this country what it has been.
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One day I5l@m will be the main religion unless we act NOW!
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clanlaurieReply tosceptical_heathen
Stop family allowance.
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Someone Else2Reply tosceptical_heathen
One day there won't be a main religion because we'll all stop believing nonsense.
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I suspect that the million people who do not fill in the census could provide more interesting information than those who do. If they all were fined £1000 that would pay for the entire Census. I suspect they are largely comprised of the estimated million 'citizens' living here illegally. The Government should pursue these miscreants and deal with them appropriately or what is the point of a Census?
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Blame the church, all this forgiving nonsense and allowing other faiths to flourish has been their biggest issue. Wouldn't happen in saudi etc !
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andyReply towhinewine
yeah- more kill ing of non-believers, that what the c of e needs to start doing, show us how much they love us by kill ing us if we don't believe in their god
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Not identifying with any religion does not mean that one does not believe in GOD/Source/Creator. There are many religions but only one Prime Creator and many spiritual people see religion and the man made institution of the Church as dividing rather than uniting people.
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ChalkwizardReply toCassiopeia49
You've kind of ignored atheists here
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They may be a minority but they make up for their lack of numbers with constant whining about not being taken seriously. Of course you are not taken seriously, you are adults but you still claim to have an all-powerful, imaginary friend.
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PLEBReply tojasper
The only one whining is you
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rogmarrieReply tojasper
If you bothered to gain an education then you would know that Jesus is not imaginary.
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Gus_MacduffReply tojasper
Jesus is definitely imaginary...
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Brother Anthony
I worship Plastic Tat. I spend my whole life ignoring my Wife, Children and Nature's Beauty working hard to get money to buy this wonderful Plastic Tat. I know it soons breaks and is skipped but its so much better than Religion which seems to me just to be talking to other Religious People over a Cup of Tea and raising money for Charity.
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Religion is just another joke of an institution. I can't stand religion, but I whole heartily believe in God. I'm pretty sure God can't stand religion too.
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This is rubbish, most people in this country have christian values and that is what matters. We are also fair minded and tolerant.
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JillieparkerReply tonull
I think you mistaken for 30 years ago. We're woken up.
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The Lazy DogReply tonull
I was christened CofE, but I do not hold to "Christian values" as you put it. I hold to my own moral code, which breaks down into one commandment - don't be a git.
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andyReply tonull
fair minded and tolerant- have you read some of the comments on these pages? They'd make Caligula blush
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I don't believe it.
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Al2015Reply toUKIDME
I've missed you Victor...
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Phew, I'm so glad. Now just need to tackle some of the other countries. It would be fantastic if one of the botherers appears on Britain's GotTalent series 345 to the amazement of millions that one still exits!
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FenwomanReply toAurora
I wonder what you just said?
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Uncle Pumblechook
TORY Britain
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DrAdsReply toUncle Pumblechook
There are far more atheists in Labour than in the Conservatives - it's the only good thing about them.
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Lord Paw-PawReply toUncle Pumblechook
That you believe in the Left/Right paradigm only goes to show that you know nothing: both "sides" work against the electorate together.
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