Now UK Christians are in a minority: Number of people who say they do not identify with any religion reaches almost half after doubling in the past three years

Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail

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My neighbour is a fanatical Christian but he is dyslexic. He believes in Dog.
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Yes and look at the society that it's created! People now (wrongly) think that there are no consequences to their actions (YOLO and all that rubbish). We treat each other terribly, we are more and more violent, crimes that should shock us have no effect anymore. We have been fooled by the media into worshipping Satan without even realizing it (giving worship to false idols - celebrities!) The New World Order is progressing faster and faster but this has all been ordained to happen. God will set it right in the end. Put your faith in The Lord and ask His Son for redemption as that is the only way to salvation! God bless :)
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SidFiddlerReply toDamitra
Violent crime is at its lowest levels in 100s years. While causation and correlation are different things you can map declining crime levels against declining levels of Christian faith
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Welcome to the godless and secular United Kingdom, where it's all about me, me, and ME! 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.Romans 1:28-32
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robbiepatonReply totruthwillsetyoufree
Oh no. ..we've got a live one here!
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This is probably a good thing I find that the most immoral people are often the ones that follow religions
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Nature abhors a vacuum. The four minarets that will eventually be added to St. Paul's Cathedral will look a bit awkward at first but the Londoners will get used to it. It should be renamed Imperial Mos.q.u.e (vide Haga Sophia in Istanbul)
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Ade13Reply toMateusz
Why would there be minarets in a predominantly atheist country? Given that nature does, indeed, abhor a vacuum, it must loathe your skull.
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Dwight Howard
I praise Jesus ! And I'm proud of it!
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DamitraReply toDwight Howard
Amen! :)
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DarmokReply toDwight Howard
Good for you, but you don't need to shout about it.
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most people dont understand the inner aspect of religion
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AtheistReply toneymarinho
Nobody understands it, they just believe it.
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You take away people's Faith and you take away their faith. The Christian Church, whatever it may be, was a way in which people came together as a community, even for a few hours. Now we have so little sense of community. In my experience, no religion equals cynicism. Does religion need to reform? Absolutely! But don't get rid of it, people!
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fedupwaitingeighthrsReply toLondonman
Superstition. In the dark ages, superstition was the order of the day, praying to a dozen or so gods. Whatever happened to them I wonder.
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Sensible Street
It is blatantly obvious that the majority of the population are selfish, immoral idiots who couldn't care less about anyone but themselves and are completely devoid of any Christian values - this isn't a good thing and nothing the country should be proud of.
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DarmokReply toSensible Street
He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone....
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kimbuReply toSensible Street
Darmok. 'Who said Jehovah!'
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NathanReply toSensible Street
Christian morals are bad morals.
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HaroldReply toSensible Street
I'm not going to hand the over the pen to write the letter of my life to a bunch of people who have their own establishment, and the politics which support them, at the top of their priorities.
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DarmokReply toSensible Street
kimbu - "I'm sorry, I thought we'd started"
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England is disgraceful, abandoning Christianity.... Big shame on them!
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No surprise really. Following Christ along the path of truth and righteousness was never meant to be an easy journey and the weak lack the support they would once have had from their communities and families.
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Pepe1880Reply toJay
The weak invent a god so they don't have to take responsability of theyre own actions...
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JayReply toJay
Pepe your statement is utterly laughable, particularly when you consider that one of the core beliefs of Christianity is that each person must acknowledge their sins and errors, take personal responsibly for their results, sincerely repent and atone for them.
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The PC brigade ARE to BLAME! If we are not able to teach OUR religious beliefs in OUR country then what do you expect! A rebranding of our Christian beliefs and the renaming of it has brought about its downfall. Some councils are allowed to rename Christmas to things like Winterval. A Christmas tree has become a Holiday Tree? Have yourself a Merry Little Winterfest? All this political correctness just causes further tension! We now have Broken Beliefs, a Broken Society and a Broken Britain. Vote out and start to take ownership of OUR country! VOTE OUT 23 JUN.
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TheBearReply toXaipete
Hmm, really wants to take ownership of our country by voting out so that we can decide for ourselves...but is happy to submit to the authority of a god and church that can convict of thought crimes and tell you how to live every aspect of your life.
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DonnyReply toXaipete
Britain is every bit "my country" as it is yours and I don't subscribe to magical sky daddy nonsense, nor do I want it having any influence over my life.
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Life without a religion, is shallow. All people worship is either themselves or money or both. Idiots
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The church was the main mover and organiser of marriage. Secular society promotes loose partnerships. Stats show the secular bunch are more likely to suffer relationship failure than people who tie the know in church. The biggest losers are of course the children from broken relationships. Their happiness, education and health all suffer dramatically. Ergo, secularism is the bane of this society in the here and now. We're not talking Catholic/Protestant wars of religion hundreds of years ago!!
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Ade13Reply toDavid
What stats? Citation please.
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When the ex-church known as the Church of England turned into a crossbreed of yet another L-G_B-T pressure group and a muesli eating f.em.inist vegan NGO it became clear that Britain as a Christian nation had come to the end of the road. And as hedonism and atheism have only destructive but not constructive powers the spiritual vacuum will be filled by another religion which I am not going to mention here.
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LilylooReply toHendry
As an atheist, you can have peace of mind that I've not got any designs on having destructive powers over you. I'm far more interested in learning about science and fact about this incredible universe we're in. Others might respect it more if they did the same. Knowledge does give you power - that I won't deny. Funny how religious people see atheists as hostile and destructive, when it was the christians that had atheists burned at the stake for having a different opinion. We merely question, learn and challenge opinion with a far the less harmful debate.
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Someone Else2Reply toHendry
Because people who who believe in reason are going to believe in the least reasonable religion in existence. OK then.
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James is voting UKIP
CS Lewis, John Lennox and Isaac Newton cemented my faith. It just makes more sense than the offering of atheism.
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ROBURReply toJames is voting UKIP
Well good luck with that. Read the small print of your eternal life insurance policy.
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RogerReply toJames is voting UKIP
William Wilberforce, Emily Pankhurst, the Cadbury brothers, Joseph Rowntree and many more. Their faith helped shape our world .
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LilylooReply toJames is voting UKIP
A god is easier to understand than the laws of physics of the universe, i'll grant you that. Doesn't mean it makes more sense. And thank goodness knowledge is based on evidence rather than the view... well, because he/she thought so, it just be true! I have never heard an educated person used that logic!
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Jim Granite
All religion should be in the minority, isn't it funny that all your gods are invisible or man made statues.
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FrancisWalsinghamReply toJim Granite
What's "trendy" about growing up and out of believing in childish imaginary friends...?
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MalbeKkReply toJim Granite
Like money
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abu gimmeReply toJim Granite
I'm a born again Druid. You can see my gods all over the place.
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Brother Anthony
Very few people seem to know what Jesus of Nazereth actually said and what he actually meant. He said (to summarise) 'All Humans were special and like him were 'Sons of God'' - which is why we should all including him call the power and designer behind the Universe 'Daddy'. He summed up Religion in 2 sentences - 'Don't think you are the centre of the Universe and know whats going on, and be as kind to other Humans as you posssible can'. Can anyone disagree with that ?
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Pepe1880Reply toBrother Anthony
Harry Potter said "expeliamus" and sended Voldemort to the darkness..HP is more powerfull then youre jesus.
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HaroldReply toBrother Anthony
He probably didn't say any of that. He didn't really exist and is an amalgum of various characters. One of the most beaurocratic societies of all time never mentioned him once, and the place of his 'birth' never existed at that time either.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, too many people here now worship a supermarket on a Sunday, times have completely changed and not for the better, supermarkets have took over people's life's to the point, people are in them everyday, shameful and sad to today's society when you think people use to go to church every Sunday!
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PukkajoyReply toouija-unkown92
Why at least the supermarket is REAL
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When the clocks change in Octoberr, Christians should wind their timepieces forward by 2000 years.
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onthebridgeReply toclanlaurie
Sorry, the Anglican church already did that, in 1549.
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