Now UK Christians are in a minority: Number of people who say they do not identify with any religion reaches almost half after doubling in the past three years

Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail

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Man from Salisbury
the world needs more religious fanatics
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Col,onisat,ion. Supported by the Marxist.
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Our Daily Mail, who art in Devon..... Hallowed be thy game!
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Christian churches are run by sad liberal wimps who have no real faith either. No wonder they cant sell the message. I think a lot of people are aching for a spiritual dimension to their life. Perhaps the Orthodox Church should show them how its done ?
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Good now will people please stop ramming religion down our throats as an excuse for almost everything!
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The question is what we nean by man. Physics tells us we aren't what we look like. Our senses are navigational instruments. Spirituality says our physical bodies are temporary vehicles for a life here and they die but we don't. Spiritual teachers come to teach how to make higher choices not based on selfish greed. If we do we grow. Religion presents these things in story form. Some Church leaders do seem vague about their "faith" and don't give real leadership. We need a Meister Eckhart!
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hedjuk1Reply tojenniferjane
And what is it that differentiates mankind from all the other creatures on the planet. The answer is in Genesis, of course, whether you care to take it literally or not. Let he who has eyes to read, read. Of this aspect of man, science has little to say.
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That is not a Christian comment
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'the country becomes less religious' is this a joke statement.
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The Census doesn't tell the full story, ask how many people who don't believe in a God, the numbers will be much higher, lots of people say they are Christians but don't believe in god in order to not be branded an Atheist,
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JC 1
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I am a channel for the Christ spirit. The title was given to me very recently by the Godhead.
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HaroldReply toDaveLong
I think you have sprung a leak.
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Where is the proof to make us think otherwise?The scaryist thing about not believing (a chinese whisper retold over 2016 years) is the amount of people who DO believe.
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When you see the state the UK is becoming it's hard to believe in anything!
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May well be some divine creator, but all religions are man made, good and bad
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AtheistReply toLav1965
And there may well be not, no evidence points to a divine (being) creator.
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Gods make Worlds with their minds and put humans as meat slaves to work!
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