Biggest explosion in documented history is STILL a mystery: New study fails to find cause of 1908 Tunguska blast that 'split the sky in two' and flattened 80 million Siberian trees

Cheyenne Macdonald For

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A Kardashian let one rip ?
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EyesWIDEOpenReply togeezabrekman
Kim jong faart has definately got the a$$ for it
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alza99999Reply togeezabrekman
Interesting comments on here. What a weathervane that yours is top. I despair.
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Old DetectiveReply togeezabrekman
This is not a mystery DM we have known for years that it was a meteor exploding in the atmosphere, the resulting shockwave then flattened the forest!
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DieHardRedManReply togeezabrekman
The Ringmakers of Saturn. That's what caused it
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Speedy Brexit
The fire of moscow 1812 tzar ordered Moscow evacuated as napoleon was about to enter moscow suddenly a massive fire/explosion that leveled the stone city soldiers fell sick with what looked like radiation sickness ! Could this all be related ?
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kate197684Reply toSpeedy Brexit
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MisfitReply toSpeedy Brexit
Theres an interesting book called the Gods Of Eden that's worth reading that covers some very interesting 1812..Like the fact some of the marble statues and artifacts so detailed and complicated that we could only just make them today with 3d printers..let alone with hammer and chisel..
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GregReply toSpeedy Brexit
Truth seekers know it was Tesla. But we're not so sure HE burnt his blueprints.
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It was caused by Nicola Tesla's death ray machine!!That's why he burnt his blueprints for the device right after this ocurred!!
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MisfitReply toDimitri69414651
interesting, just googled it..
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Norm De PlumeReply toDimitri69414651
Misfit - you are the epitome of what is right with the world. When you learn a new fact, you go check it out for yourself. That's what I teach my children to do. That's what everyone should do. It would eradicate religion in one generation.
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ZARDOZReply toDimitri69414651
Did he burn it? According to others the C l A acquired all this data from his hotel room after his death
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ZARDOZReply toDimitri69414651
Whether or not that is the case, that¿s not why the media are dredging it up now? Do you think it's all a coincidence, this "was Tunguska caused by a UFO?" propaganda nonsense in the "science section", was next to a story about mosaics of noahs flood, and next to a story about water and life on Mars? It's all connected believe it or not, in the fictional narrative they''ll be telling shortly, about how Noahs flood was caused by an Alien attack using meteors or some such like propaganda. They're placing these stories together so you connect these elements together in your own subconscious in advance. It's all part of the Hoax alien threat the establishment will use to create a new order. See the video "Dr. Carol Rosin: Staged Artificial 'Alien I.nvasion' and asteroid/comet threat. N W O final card" and "Fake Nasa Photos,Pyramids On Mars Hoax,Alien Deception Agenda,Moon Landing Hoax by Bill Cooper"
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Jelly-Bean-JonReply toDimitri69414651
Noah's flood was caused by the end of the last ice age when sea levels rose by 100s of feet
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AndypinchiReply toDimitri69414651
it pains me when people disagree. how do they not see they're insulting christianity it's self. christianity is great and very interesting. these were real people and real events and you want to cast them to magical events totally misunderstanding the true (and better than make-believe magic) nature of the bible
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Pink Tiger
The biggest explosion in history was the Big Bang.
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kate197684Reply toPink Tiger
Or.... the Big Bounce :)
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Joe DoeReply toPink Tiger
Thanks for that. Very knowledgeable. This is in documented history. Someone had to be there to document it.
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FreshWhyteReply toPink Tiger
Naw it was me, that curry is returning on me.
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GetoffmylawnReply toPink Tiger
Isn't that a TV sitcom?
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nullReply toPink Tiger
Yet it wasn't a Big Bang was it.
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pietschka liika
Tesla wanted to send a fireball to North Pole where Peary expedition is in dire need of atmospheric illumination. Tesla told NY Times he's responsible for hitting Russia instead of North Polar regions. He made several smaller tests with his Wardenclyffe accelerator tower, a really huge Tesla coil. For folks who don't know, Tesla invented the Tesla coil found in every car to intensify the spark to ignite fuel under compression in a cylinder. His coil is found in every TV set to increase voltage to illuminate the picture tube. He designed turbine generators for electric power at Niagra Falls. His experiment is called HAARP nowadays.
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JaybelleReply topietschka liika
Nicola Tesla was slightly nuts, but not that nuts.
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AnubisReply topietschka liika
No, Tesla was wayyy nuttier than even that. :) His big project was wireless transmission of power via the ionosphere to every point on the earth to power, amongst other things, ships and aircraft. Of course there is a very big problem with this (You cant charge for it)
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eloracbmulpReply topietschka liika
Nikola Tesla was an absolute genius.....but not clever enough to tell corporate America to bog off. They destroyed his work,and burned his notes, hence we all pay through the nose for energy.
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They've known for 100 years it was a meteor. And if it had come down a few minutes earlier it would have wiped out Moscow.
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stewskiReply toGetoffmylawn
The snag is there are no remnants of the meteor or comet left although a meteor of anti-matter bursting in the atmosphere would have produced the effects and left no traces behind.
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Nick RReply toGetoffmylawn
I don't think the "meteor of anti-matter" is very credible. Space is full of matter in the form of hydrogen and helium. It is only present at a density of about 1 atom per cubic meter, but unless the "anti-matter meteor" is very young, the time and distance it must have spent travelling through space should have been enough to annihilate it, assuming such an object could exist in the first place.
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Kit boyReply toGetoffmylawn
I remember being taught about this at school 40 years back and one of the theories then was a meteor strike that also set alight methane gas that was escaping from the soil in the summer months as the top soil defrosted in summer
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GetoffmylawnReply toGetoffmylawn
Interesting, Kit Boy. I've got an old book called The Elements Rage, w/lots of info about this 'incident'. He seems convinced on a meteorite, but now me, after reading all through this again, I'm not so sure. You're correct, Stewski, There have never been any meteor fragments found, and that just doesn't compute. There are almost countless eye-witness anecdotes around this event because it was so dam BIG. People hundreds of miles from the epicenter were knocked off their horses. 400 miles square nearly every tree was knocked down or uprooted. A guy 40 miles south of the epicenter said: 'There was a fiery flame in the northwest, which gave off such heat that my shirt nearly caught fire..." Another man, at Kansk, 300 miles away: 'I was washing wool with my workmen on the Kan River..Heard noises like the whir of wings of scared birds..the waters took on an undulating motion' It's no help that it wasn't studied til 20 yrs after the fact. I stand corrected: It's a mystery.
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violatorReply toGetoffmylawn
Very interesting Kit boy.
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Paul_Xavier_GreenReply toGetoffmylawn
@Getoffmylawn: you are absolutely correct. Add to that, the fact that it acutely changed direction, clearly somebody or something was trying to avoid or minimise major collateral damage to the humans within 400 miles of ground zero.
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ZARDOZReply toGetoffmylawn
"Others have suggested UFOs, supernatural activity, or the curse of a god " You think that was slipped in for nothing in the "science section". Whatever it was , it's now being appropriated for the establishments world government justifying Hoax Alien threat. Expect to see a lot more of this propaganda
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johnReply toGetoffmylawn
Bottom line. A comet coming in at 20 km/s and an angle of 27 degrees exploded 10 km above the surface of the earth. We can be grateful that this explosion occurred over one of the most sparsely populated areas on earth and not over Europe, the East Coast of the US or the Atlantic or the devastation would have been unimaginable.
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SheridanBucketReply toGetoffmylawn
The "alien" idiots are out in full force today. They love to twist all natural phenomenon into some stoopid alien event.
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DieHardRedManReply toGetoffmylawn
Meteor my A. The Ring Makers of Saturn
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DieHardRedManReply toGetoffmylawn
Sheridan. Why don't you check out Robert Dean but first pull hour head out your back side :)
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Kim Jong UN
Must be aliens. #BuildTheWall
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Rufus McDufus
It was the world's biggest bottom burp - by Toxteth O'Grady.
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I'm not saying it's aliens.... But... It's aliens...
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That anti-matter powered time machine I just switched on in the tropical seaside resort of Tungaska, 8 July 3016, just shot back off into time and some while ago blew itself up, methinks. Sorry, 21st century Russians.
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GoodbyeSlipperyDaveReply toOstrogothRome
Is that you Stewie?
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Kris P Duck
I wasn't going to comet, but there are ointments to shrink your asteroids !
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Air burst... the resulting shockeave flattened tje trees hence no real crater.
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Ted Loon
Not a natural event. The glowing object was seen to change course. The Valley of death in Siberia had something to do with the explosion.
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Simple explanation. It was the fallout from the first vindaloo consumed in that part of the world.
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LeeWReply toKarswell
Hooray for the mighty Vindaloo.
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friendlyricReply toKarswell
was the residents given a Fart nights notice before,
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Logarithm John
An interesting event-some years ago I read that the path of the object, as indicated by fallen trees, indicated that it made several changes of direction. One possible conclusion-not one I accept-was that it was a crippled space craft, making for Lake Baikal-fanciful but interesting!
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My theory is that it was primarily ice and hydrogen gas held together by other solid particles and the friction of entering the earth's atmosphere converted it into explosive gas, hence no crater.
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Ted LoonReply toSuzie
That must be it then. Case closed.
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Should have used Preparation H. That's supposed to shrink asteroids - or similar.
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Tesla's experiment.
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cmjazReply tosquidawrd_tenticlas
Lol. I can't remember where I heard that. A movie? Mysteries at the Museum?
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According University of East Anglia, it was the hockey stick effect, climate change....cough cough....
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Old Detective
This is not a mystery DM we have known for years that it was a meteor exploding in the atmosphere, the resulting shockwave then flattened the forest!
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Old IronReply toOld Detective
I wonder what gives some people the idea they're somehow entitled to express and opinion despite having no idea what they're talking about? Maybe you should have read it first.
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burnfieldReply toOld Detective
WTF? What dimension do you live in?
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