'I am not hippy drippy': Woman who was desperate to give birth in the wild delivers her baby in a STREAM without a midwife - as footage of it is watched 52 million times

Alley Einstein For Mailonline

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She should be prosecuted for endangering her child - selfish and she also polluted the stream with the afterbirth and all the other gunge and secretions
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The Voice
This is an old video and the child is probably 5 at least now - you aren't very hot on news are you DM
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Left winger.
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I bet her underarms are hairy and smelly...hippy drippy for sure!!!!
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Brodie B
Wow, how cool, calm and collected were they, especially the Dad. Have to say those rocks look pretty uncomfortable. I'd be too worried if something went wrong and there was no help but she did really well.
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GROSS! But I'm glad mommy and baby are fine.
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Placenta smoothie?!?! Ugh, I just threw up.
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Mr Smartypants
Well there's 52 million stupid people out there
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john p sullivan
And upstream kn the water is a dead coyote.
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CateReply tojohn p sullivan
Well not a coyote in the Daintree but we get what you mean, maybe a dingo!
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Well, this is probably how it was done 4,000 years ago. As for me and my family...we choose to evolve. But thanks for the suggestion.
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I have seen numerous horses, cows, dogs give birth - not one of them has chosen an open waterway. For a very good reason. It would be a stupid land animal who chose to give birth in water .. Oh. Wait.
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By the looks of her below hairline, she is hippy drippy.
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What would i have thought had I been someone having a picknick with my family near the stream or wanting to have a swim in that stream or having a family walk along it? I don't think I would have been impressed...
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yvette m
Shouldnt this be on a David Attenborough Documentary .Animals in the wild
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She's lucky there were no crocs around. Daft woman!
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Narcisstic extrovert. It's an insult to all those women, all over the world, who have no choice but to deliver without medical help and often pay with their lives or their baby's. Selfishness gone mad.
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Too many things could happen during childbirth to even have this be safe. Polluting stream too. I believe this woman is careless and selfish. Her children shouldn't have watched it, a mother goes through unimaginable pain and it would be scary for a very young child. Glad baby is healthy though. Yuck.
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Oh, how disgusting, you attention seeking saddo. Stop acting like a grunting animal, get off your knees and put on some clothes, ffs.
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Max Nex
One thing for sure, this woman can not make the right decisions even if she tries hard, she risked her life, the life of her unborn child all for some stupid idea of hers.
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