China 'needs more nuclear weapons to deal with Trump': Government mouthpiece newspaper says extra defence is required should US treat Beijing 'unacceptably'

Gareth Davies For Mailonline

国外网友评论 0人跟帖    4323人参与

Cold War 3.0?
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An arms race is on.
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Bob Roberton
Nobody want our city products anymore...
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Yeah-this isn't a video game.
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Believe me our president elec will make sure China is very happy because he has so many dealings in China unimaginable yuge. Jinna will have This new administration on there knees begging..
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ä¸å›½ã€‚。 你给我们é—嘴。
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maybe try building a huge heppa filter for beijing. it would be money spent much wiser young grasshopper
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I suggest people watch the John Pilger film shown on IT.V. on Tuesday,The War Against China. Then put yourself in China's position.
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uptownmikeReply topeterthompson11
China's position is we kill anyone we want.
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