Hello from the other side: Scientists to start sending messages into universe in hopes of getting a reply from aliens

Chris Spargo For Dailymail.com

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wow what a great job sending messages out but no way of knowing if they are heard or not. this means just sitting there collecting salary for 50 years and saying yup we confident to gt reply one day. OMG wish i had the brains to think of such a great scam
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Evan Highlander
Mannn! What a lot of comments on such wide-ranging ideas\\\what happened to the Cowboy who flew the Flag over the wall to attract attention from the Raiders ?
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I think if they survive long enough to become very advanced they're likely to be a civilisation based on love more than hate or they wouldn't have made it that far?
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Ben Russell-GoughReply topeter
Either that or they've found sufficient external enemies (real or manufactured by their equivalent of government and media) upon which to vent their negative feelings.
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What are the chances of another ''life form'' anywhere being able to understand our communication.. scientists should know better.. just a ruse to get taxpayer funding...
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Another SJW
They mention the Arecibo Observatory but show a photo of the Parkes Observatory in NSW. Why not just find the correct picture, how much more effort would it be?
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I hope they include 73's at the end of message........
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MickHolthamReply toDESRES56
Or 88s
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Only just a thought
Just dial up Area 51A and as for Eben. They have been here for years.
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Why do these idiots always assume they will be friendly? No friendly, intelligent species would ever come to this planet. Think K li ng on, not Vu lc an
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I hope they do come, I'm sick of us killing each other!
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How about sending them a Christmas dinner. If they don't die of food poisoning they are good to come for a cup of tea.
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such a bad idea, we can't even sort our own planet out, why add an extra intelligence into the mix. We should wait until we are far more sophisticated, if we don't implode on ourselves first.
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The alien lands and says " Are you an earthling?" and the guy answers "Well actually I am a University professor that gender identifies with idiots"
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A Frisby
They'll just think we're being silly again. They'll be in touch when the time is right, in about 50 generations.
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Let's hope they understand English or Spanish or whatever language they use
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We have been sending signals for decades,tv,radio etc.Anybody nearby will know we're here eventually.I don't think they are there though.Not near enough to worry about anyway.
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Think Klingon, not Vulcan.
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By the time they get here we will have blown ourselves up over imaginary friends.
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Pointless waste of time if you ask me. The signal would never be recieved because the electromagnetic spectrum is huge, the signal would have to be so focussed not to be lost in the background noise of space and the time it is tramsmitted for would be relatively short. We don't focus radio telescopes on individual stars for centuries to see if some sporadic transmission happens to be beamed at earth, why should they?
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Recently a pie was sent into space (don`t ask me why)
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