Hello from the other side: Scientists to start sending messages into universe in hopes of getting a reply from aliens

Chris Spargo For Dailymail.com

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This is very irresponsible, an open invitation to alien immigration. They won't integrate into our society !
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Why would any self-respecting, intelligent being from another world want to contact us? Any alie n with a shred of common sense would take one look at Earth, and at how we conduct ourselves, and high-tail it back into orbit as fast as his spacecraft could carry him. So many of us don't even like the people who live in the house next to us, so what chance would we ever have of getting along with beings from a another world. The money being spent on this fool's errand might be far better spent on attempting to solve some of the myriad problems here on Earth that seem to be insurmountable.
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I do not like humans
Who said they could do this?! Since we ALL live in this planet, a vote should've been conducted first. I would've voted NO! What are they thinking?!
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Georg1eboyReply toI do not like humans
Would that be a referendum or a vote 'cos I've heard this referendum lark aint up to much
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Ste2013Reply toI do not like humans
It's project fear, don't listen to them. We're economically and politically better off with the aliens
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Totally agree with Hawking. Leave well alone.
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Don't scratch where it doesn't itch
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Geri Atric
I wish we could go 'incognito' while searching the skies. Seems very naive and guilless of our scientists to send out 'here we are' (come and get us) signals. I wouldn't vote for them to do this - but there again no one is asking the inhabitants of our planet for their permission to be 'staked out' (like the goat bait in Jurassic park)!
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PotatopeelerReply toGeri Atric
I wouldn't worry too much about it
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CorinthiansFanReply toGeri Atric
I agree, we have no say and thats risky
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Jelly-Bean-JonReply toGeri Atric
If you're not worried about it, maybe you just don't understand the issue
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PotatopeelerReply toGeri Atric
Worse case scenario is the borg are approaching at full speed, still no point in worrying though
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a tribe of people was recently found in the Amazon, untouched by the modern world - if Aliens exist and can travel through space then we will to them as the people in the Amazon are to us. If we reveal ourselves to the people in the Amazon, what will happen to their society and their people - both will be lost and they will be swallowed up by the modern world. They will not benefit, they will be scared, treated as oddities and dependant on handouts to survive. The people in the Amazon are better left alone. as are we - maybe a time will come when we and the Amazon people should meet a more advanced society - but it is probably not in either of our interests at the moment.
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Who gave these clowns permission to broadcast our whereabouts ? It's like the Incas jumping up and down at the Spanish. " No, you are going up the wrong valley, we are over here"
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dma manc
Just don't let merkel compose the message, thats all we ask
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didnt quite a few of our smartest say this was a very bad idea ?
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Have we not got enough problems of our own without inviting more in ?
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Not much intelligent life form's on this Planet Earth imagine any Alien seeing the War's and ISIS slaughtering children and cutting heads off the horrible things going on all over this Planet I think they bypassed Earth long ago it's to Primitive. and backward.
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Digital Death Star
Keep it simple and to the point. Something along the lines of, "Here we are, please don't eat us," should do.
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