Man jailed for months over $5 theft found dead in cell

Aug 29th 2015 11:08AM

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Do something stupid and something bad happens afterwards, you brought it on yourself. Life isnt always fair.

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Is this the new Obamacare? Commit a crime and go to jail. Get the tax payer to pay for what ever care his family wanted. Mental illness doesn't happen overnight and neither does a cure. If "he did not get the treatment he needed," it was for a long time before he was put in jail. The lack of treatment is on him and his family.

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Matt Kline Reply to twokanoy

Let's see.........

Name: Jamycheal Mitchell


Crime: thug, robber, drug addict.

Current status: dead

Nuff said, case closed!!

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Total bullshit toallow anyone to die withiout treatment. Idont give a **** if he stole ft knox wtf is going on in this country

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Could it be that maybe, he should NOT have been stealing anything? Regardless of value.
And because he's black does not exempt him from the law. If he went to work and bought the candy bar, he would not have been in jail. It is what it is.
He stole-which is nothing new ,but typical of them.

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Lee_O2 Reply to SpyBidness

Could it be that in the utopia you are inferring that we don't need jails? In the real world people do commit crimes or allegedly so. In that case, when the state, county or city confines them, then they need to operate with due diligence. Knowing that people get hired for who they know, or who they are and not necessarily for being capable, then the authorities in government need to inspect and audit to ensure standards are maintained. When this is not done, the people in charge need to be punished and fired.

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It's amazing how the comments on AOL just degrade to the level of a toilet bowel. Can't some people just comment on the article, do they always have to sink to such low levels...When they can't make an educated comment,,they have to throw in words like "A-hole, god, racist, bigots,Obama and every derogatory comment possible.. Some people need to really grow up, and you wonder why we have so many problems in this country??

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Jail Wardens, and their personal under them, are required to record observations on their rounds of the prisoners under them on each shift, much in the same manner as Doctors and Nurses who must record shift notes of Subjective and Objective observations of the patients under their care.
If a prisoner is having trays of food go removed untouched, or barely touched, meal after meal, or if they are refusing to take medication prescribed, this is supposed to be a matter of the record, so that each succeeding shift is kept apprised of the status of the prisoner's wherewithal.
They ARE accountable.
This prisoner was known to have had mental problems, and the call should have been made by someone in charge at the Jail, to have him taken to the nearest hospital, with a guard placed outside his room.

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twokanoy Reply to aljoramaggio

Didn't you read the article? There wasn't room at the mental hospital for him.

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aljoramaggio Reply to twokanoy

I did read the article, and I said to the nearest hospital.
Any hospital would have been better than to ignore what was happening.

Facts are, it is easier to obtain a bed in any other facility, from a hospital setting, than it is from home or a jail.
When I worked in hospitals, we used to call it the holiday "Granny dumping."
Families who wanted an elderly parent placed in a Nursing Home (also waitlisted for bed availibility), would bring the elderly parent or relative to the Hospital ER, saying they fell, or struck their head, or some such nonsense, to get them admitted. Of course the person was usually suffering from some type of dementia, so the Doctors would admit them, not wanting to take the risk of missing something, or being sued by the family.
The family would then take off for their vacation, and of course could be reached, but not be "available." When it came time for discharge, of course, none of them could handle it, or would take responsibility.

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Another stupid black name, why can't you people name your kids normal names?? Black race is plaguing the US

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Riots to begin shortly..

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note how this site makes sure they put the $5.00 theft in the headline, so i guess we're suppose to say why was he in jail for 5 bucks, simple the law says theft is theft but we all know blacks don't give any laws any respect so this is the garbage you get, you can be sure no other news source would even report this story, but then most site don't blame whites and police for the trouble blacks get into, this is the best example of gutless journalism, blacks always right, whites and police at fault

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I wonder how much he stole before he got caught during the $5 gig.

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.....Lefty media is now searching every local news papers for black deaths....We know their a piece of GARR BAAGE !!.....

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Come on....there has to be more to this story. Where was the family of this man? This story makes no sense.

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jeanette Reply to ridinggirl

Yea I said the same thing in my comment as well When will the full story come out ....not just what the family want us to hear ???

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So this wonderful loving family wants answers as to why their beloved son died in jail. After all he was a good boy and was applying to colleges.
But you have to wonder why the heck didn't they bail him out????????

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mielkele Reply to JOE

Next time read the story before you comment. He was denied bail.

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good! one less CRIMINAL

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By the looks of this crook, he could have been obama's son. Now the question is when is barry going to Hampton Roads?

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Every day we have to read this social communist crap. How about the Texas law man shot in the back. Huff post you are scum and like Obama a divider. Hope you need the police someday and no one comes. WOW.

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Wow $5? Know whats really funny? A mayor of a town very close to me stole 11,000 oxycodone pills and sold them to alot of people and did not serve one day in jail. Got 3 years probation and was still mayor after he got busted. Know why? He has MONEY. Its sad that everyone assumes the worst about people . Obviously none of the **** talkers here have mental illness or live with someone who does. He would have gotten better treatment of he was rich regardless of race. Money talks people. If your poor your fkd. Simple.

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Lee_O2 Reply to metalchick2285

Voter suppression and other agenda items benefit from these practices. I worked with youth who were as young as 8 years old with a record for such as this.

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kevj1 Reply to Lee_O2

We are still paying off the $53 MILLION dollars we gave
to Kenya for a PHOTO ID system called MY ID, MY LIFE.
Yet Obama says "Asking an African American to show a
PHOTO ID when voting is racist.
510 days left before regime change. I don't think we as a
Nation can survive 8 more years of Hope and Change.

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Another very dramatic case ... how many more?

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That's nothing compared to what coming! REPENT!!

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Lets all riot, like we care.

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