Old bones cast new light on Goliath's people

Ashkelon (Israel) (AFP)

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Palestine was named after the Phoenicians, Current day "Palestinians" just stole their identity in the mid 1960s.

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SouthAustinativeReply toRandy

Just like they've been actively working to steal Israeli land for decades now too.

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RReply toRandy

Just another zionist neonazi trying to rewrite history

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RandyReply toRandy

@R, how can one be both? Not very smart.....

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RReply toRandy

Zionist neonazis implement Nazi tactics in order to justify zionism and exterminate Palestinians. The tactics and goals are the same

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No elder has such a great natural teeth today. That's amazing!

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Eric M

Artwork and pottery show the Philistines were linked with the Mycenaean's of the Agean during their heyday, they were an early Greek colony, they know where they are from this article is misleading.

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MarieReply toEric M

It was that annoying big, fat Greek family. I can't blame the kid for throwing a rock at them.

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JackReply toEric M

Mycenaean's were Greek predecessors. The entire civilization disappeared mysteriously. Philistines are thought most likely to be from Crete.

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Eric MReply toEric M

Jack, actually the Myceneaens didn't disappear mysteriously, first smallpox decimated them then war with those we called the Sea Peoples from Anatolia conquered them and destroyed their kingdom leaving the Aegean in a dark age for some 400 years until rise of the classical Greek states, the Minoans were the ones who disappeared mysteriously there for a while but new evidence points to first the eruption of Santorini disrupting their culture then conquest by the Mycenaean's who basically absorbed them into their kingdom.

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It seems there is no time in history without war or mass destruction and killing of innocent people. Was there ever peace and love?

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johnReply toalan

Well, before Eve was created.

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edwinReply toalan

Yes but someone killed it

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WilliamReply toalan

The 1980s

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SamReply toalan

Until modern weapons, most people had no control of their lives and lived as slaves.

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ArjunaReply toalan

Peace and love exist for a few people who choose that, if of course they are not victimized.

But as for humanity....no.

We descended from violent apes, have been that way for millennia, and are still largely just violent apes who think they are more than that. Our slaughter of the people of Iraq, with an unjustified war, proved that Americans are no different.

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shosetsukaReply toalan

No. If your population is growing, you need more land, which means you have to take it from your neighbors. The easiest way is to simply kill them, but there are benefits to keeping some of them as slaves to work your new lands for you.

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alanReply toalan

@Arjuna I object to your victimisation of Americans Without the USA we would be speaking Nazi German If any of us were still living? Only the slaves would exist ?@shosetsucker states the Nazi case admirably

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The Renegade PoetReply toalan

Ask the blacks jim crow era, your grammy can answer that too.

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Charlene RiderReply toalan

There was peace in the garden of Eden before Adam took the fruit from Eve and ate it. Since then there has been no peace.

And there will never be peace again (except for short periods of time in a few places at a time) until we return to following Christ. There are only 2 commandments: love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor in exactly the same way you love yourself." They are not separable. And we will not be able to do this until Christ returns.

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MonicaReply toalan

ever since the fall of man, there will not be any peace until Jesus returns for the 2nd time to restore the world

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PattyCReply toalan

Earth is not a Christian's home. Heaven is- and there will be peace and love there!

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ArjunaReply toalan

Jesus ain't a comin' back. Sorry.

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OGReply toalan

Well, there is absolutely no archeological evidence of the existence of intergroup warfare prior to the advent of agriculture approximately 12,000 years ago. Only when humans became sedentary and began to feel as though they "owned" the land did they start fighting among each other. That's an interesting piece of information, isn't it? Our notorious tendency towards collective aggression and warfare may well be rooted in something as simple as land ownership and hoarding of resources -- in a word, capitalism.

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tommyReply toalan

I had some peace and love three times yesterday, thinking about going for it this morning too.

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GBENROReply toalan

Arjuna, try and assure yourself all you can, but He will come. Whether in death or at the end, we will meet the LORD. And then, what will we say to Him?

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10SReply toalan

Human nature never has and never will change.

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WalterReply toalan

I'd say 80% of the world is in peace. 20% in war and/or turmoil. The same through history. Pretty good numbers as bad news makes big news. Also evidence of God.

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GodnarReply toalan

Doe's Jesus die on the cross again? Will someone get a ladder/pair of pliers and help him out this time? If he dies and rises from the dead, will he still have to pay federal income taxes?

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ErickReply toalan

No. People have always been fighting. That's what happens if you cram a bunch of territorial apes in an area with limited resources.

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JamesReply toalan

No Godnar, you must pray that you will not see Him coming in the clouds , if you do, it will not be good for you everyone will pray for rocks to fall on them.He is live and well, the harvester are getting ready to put the wheat into the barns, and throw the weeds into the fire.

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"despite similar-sounding names, there is no connection between the Philistines and today's Palestinians" correct! Palestinians are Arabs that choose to believe they are a people of Hebrew land renamed "Palestine" by the Romans

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DavidReply toUBanIdiot

Yes, and despite the similar sounding names caramel and Carmel taste completely different.

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Like Philistia, some nations today viciously oppose God’s worshipers. Christian Witnesses of Jehovah have been confined in prisons and concentration camps. They have been banned. A number have been killed. Opponents continue to “make sharp attacks on the soul of the righteous one.” (Psalm 94:21) To their enemies, this Christian group may seem “lowly” and “poor.” However, with Jehovah’s support, they enjoy spiritual plenty, while their enemies suffer famine. (Isaiah 65:13, 14; Amos 8:11) When Jehovah stretches out his hand against the modern-day Philistines, these “lowly ones” will be secure. Where? In association with “the household of God,” of which Jesus is the sure foundation cornerstone. (Ephesians 2:19, 20) And they will be under the protection of “heavenly Jerusalem,” Jehovah’s celestial Kingdom, which has Jesus Christ as King.—Hebrews 12:22; Revelation 14:1.

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WeNeedRealMusicReply toCleveland

Christians as well as all cults - create their own problems and try to propagate those to other cults.

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GEORGEReply toCleveland

Jehovah's Witnesses are pains in the Cruz.

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jeraldineReply toCleveland

We only oppose those (like witnesses) who think they know what God thinks and try to shove their belief down the throat of every one else, in the Bible God said "No man can know the mind of God" yet these fools actually think they can read Gods mind and decide what he wants,its pathetic really if every one kept their religion to themselves we would have a whole lot better world in other words quit trying to save everyone else and worry about saving yourself your the one with the problem your the one who thinks you have to earn Gods love instead of realizing he probably loves you even though your a nut.

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The article states these were Goliath's people. The biblical story says Goliath and his family lived among the Philistines, separate lineage.

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Smile! I Know I Am!Reply toJohno

Goliath was a space alien.

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billyReply toJohno

The bible says 15,000 Egyptians chased 2,000,000 Hebrews with stolen gold out of Egypt. Yeh right.

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LeeReply toJohno

15,000 trained soldiers, some mounted, some with chariots, trained 2,000,000 slaves and their families, who had been given gold by Egyptian families to get them to leave to stop the devastating plagues. What is unbelievable about people fleeing with their families to prevent slaughter or a return to slavery?

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LeeReply toJohno

Sorry. The soldiers were chasing the Hebrews, not training them!

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billyReply toJohno

One trained soldier with a "single shot bow" against 133 Hebrews with the whole country at stake I'll take the Hebrews, since their god told them to go kill every living thing in "The promised land"

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SheilaReply toJohno

if this is so, then why does the guy who circumcises the royal elephants in india have a better job than a bellhop in a hotel??

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A Yahoo reader

Now that these bones were DNA tested, we know that the Palestinians are NOT related to the Philstinians, but rather closely related to the pigs. That's why they behave accordingly.

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Unlike Native Americans the modern day Philistines wont complain when you dig up there 10,000 year old ancestors. Oh wait,there are no modern day philistines left to complain, lol.

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They belong to Minoian, Micenian civilization but not Greeks. Greeks came to Europe later and took the knowledge, culture from indigenes

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I should think a man that was 6'6" tall during that period would have been considered a giant within such a small population.

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ElliotReply toRichard

That's the bibles estimate. However, enemies are often made to be much larger, so they can be killed by just a small child with just a rock thrown from just a slingshot. This may just be a "bible fable" told to make David look more kingly later in the bible. The side that wins writes the stories, usually to portray a moral lesson of some sort.

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JohnVReply toRichard

Google 'nephilim' and see where that takes you.

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mReply toRichard

With all the talk about bible figures i don't believe a single person in the bible remains, skeletons, graves have been found. But scientist, archeologist have found dinosaurs and cave men neanderthal ( none of which are mentioned in the bible) bones and fossils all over the place, why is that.

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Looken at youReply toRichard

Elliot, a rock even a small one hit between the eyes will kill. If you don't believe the bible be a target for one.

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James FoglemanReply toRichard

Elliot: throwing stones can kill. Slings were major weapons of Romans and Carthaginians.

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ElliotReply toRichard

James I'm well aware of that; but using it as a point to enhance a biblical story is what I questioned; not its ability to kill. Many helmets actually had nose plates, like the Spartans.

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ElliotReply toRichard

JohnV. Yes 'nephilim' leads exactly where you want it to lead, a BIBILE fabricated story. Do you realize that when dinosaur bones were found during the Middle Ages (Dark Ages) they were thought to be the bones of giant humans? Again, the pictures etc, aren't based on scientific finds, but just great illustrations drawn to supplement biblical stories. Live happily with your belief system if it gives you comfort. I value scientific evidence and proof, more than what just ONE book of stories and fables written does. All I want is that your views are kept in Churches, and NOT our schools. I don't believe ignorance is bliss, and there are enough children's books that start "Once Upon a Time". Genesis 101

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ElliotReply toRichard

JohnV Thank you for the thumb down. That's why I want a separation FROM religion in our schools. Today's Christians are good people, but going back 500 years and the Crusades, no democracies, killing each other and disbelievers made them look very similar to the Middle East today.

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TimothyReply toRichard

John, Nephilim? You do know that to date there has been ZERO finds to back up such a claim. One would think if such a thing existed it would have been found by now. Seems once more you are reading the wrong book.

Most of what people refer to Nephilim had to do with the English and other translators believing in such thing, the actual Hebrew never has such a word, they called them Giants, this would have been a people most likely a little taller then the modern average. These people remember were hard pressed to get to 5 ft due to nutrition, a person 5'9' would have been very tall for them, get someone 7 ft tall they would have been seen like a giant.

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williamReply toRichard

Elliot, Just to clear this up for you, those were catholics killing people during the crusades not Christians, big difference between the two.

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TimothyReply toRichard

And the Crusades was more a reaction towards Muslims into what was seen then as Christian lands, and it was over the trade routes, Europe needed these open. The fact is religion had very little to do with this other then it being used to stir up the ignorant masses. If any of them actually read what Christians really believe in as taught in their scriptures, they would not have fought.

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EzKingReply toRichard

Because macroevolution is a fable.

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EzKingReply toRichard


because macroevolution is a fable.

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TimothyReply toRichard

Really, and your proof of this is where exactly? The problem you have is both micro or macro is both impossible to prove, evolution is the only part of science that is said to be a scientific fact without proof. Can not say I am a supporter of it, not saying creationism is the way it was, think one day will will see a better theory without all the obvious holes one sees with evolution or the impossibility of proving a divine spirit or being created all as you see in creationism.

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WilliamReply toRichard

Will their is literally k9 difference between catholics and other protestant heresies from a point of an atheist they would all believe in 1 god and the bible.

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Regular GuyReply toRichard

Elliot, and I wish you would keep your views to yourself. Your choice to believe what YOU want, just don't force it on me or in school as the absolute truth.

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James FoglemanReply toRichard

Elliot: you seem to live 5 centuries ago. Either become a Muslim or join us in the 21st Cent.

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ElliotReply toRichard

Regular Guy I SAID you were perfectly free to believe as you want, but not force religious views into our educational system. Yes, I CAN FORCE YOU TO KEEP YOUR BIBLE BELIEFS OUT OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!! Have you not heard of the separation of church and state? Do you know the reason why Churches pay NO TAXES, but use services like the USPS for free? Teach whatever YOU believe in YOUR church, BUT NEVER WILL I EVER ALLOW RELIGIOUS BIAS TO ENTER OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM. Your mental indoctrination was from infancy one, and you'll never be capable of changing that; but I won't allow it to happen to my children or grandchildren. I'm sorry but belief in Intelligent Design is showing pure stupidity. Most modern day Christians actually are aware of this, and have helped give women the right to vote, and gay people more rights as people. Do you know why women were burned at the stake, while most men were hanged? It was considered immoral to hang a woman because they didn't wear underwear, so their "female parts" would be exposed! The fact that it was cruel and unusual punishment didn't mean anything, as well as allowing torture to obtain confessions. It was SECULAR (State Laws) that eliminated it, not religion. (Look at ISIS, and you can see how barbaric and fanatical religion can become.)

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RichardReply toRichard

Lets not forget the Muslims crusades. The last was stopped before the gates of Vienna around 1683. The Muslims had already conquered the Balkans and Greece did not gain its independence again until 1829. Greece was occupied by the Ottoman Empire for around 400 years.

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JohnVReply toRichard

Yo Elliot, which are 'your' schools? Do you represent some cryptic group I'm unaware of? And I guess the Dead Sea Scrolls are a bunch of fables as well. Good luck with your Harry Potter approach to reality.

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This is science, folks, not religion. This cemetery exists and that is a fact. Since it has religious significance there will be some reference to that. This is not about you or your religion, but about a discovery that may shed light on some historical writings.

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Novi-SystemsReply toRichard

You contradict yourself. Anything having religious significance is religiously significant!

These archaeological finds verify places, events and in some cases cultural norms that have had their truth questioned in books written by anti-religion bigots. There are now some 92% of the places mentioned in the Bible verified as having existed at the time stated in the Bible and in the place mentioned. This gives credibility to the accurate historicity of the Bible. Finds relating to events and culture also add credibility to the historicity of the Bible.

One has to characterize the Bible as a book not only of religion but one of history and philosophy. Combined, these form the basis for a religion. The moral laws mentioned in the Bible are equally as important. There is a science called hermeneutics that attempts to accurately interpret language and customs appropriate to a given time period and a specific people. Science is an invaluable tool in verifying the accuracy and ultimately the truth of the Bible.

Who knew that the thing that was supposed to replace religion actually supports it. As physicist Dr. Michio Kaku said a few years ago, people will still believe in God and Jesus a thousand years from now simply because science cannot replace the Bible because the Bible is not a science book. Dr. Kaku also said recently that he, like Einstein, believes that the universe was manipulated by a significantly higher intelligence than is capable of by mankind. Both Kaku and Einstein call themselves agnostic secular theists, their "god" being an entity with an intelligence several orders of magnitude greater than our own but probably not a moral lawgiver.

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ditch donkeyReply toRichard

bible= Latin for 'book'. ANYONE can write, plagiarize, redact and re-purpose fairy tales from other societies to meet the needs of their own diaspora or agenda, insert the names of historical personages in their fictitious diatribes and delusions. and then the Serpent said.....

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The Great and Powerfull OzzzzzzReply toRichard

Your conclusion is invalid. That biblical sites are verifiable does NOT prove the events related therein. A more plausible conclusion would be : since biblical sites are verifiable, fiction writers of biblical times used real locations for their stories.

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TerryReply toRichard

YES ditch donkey YOU can write, plagiarize, redact and re-purpose fairy tales from other societes to meet your needs of your own diaspora or agenda, insert the names of historical personages in your fictitious diatribes and delusions. Sorry others didn't in the case of the Bible.

Thank you for sharing with us YOUR story, YOUR character, YOUR heart, YOUR evil, YOUR doubts, YOUR ways, YOUR life.

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ditch donkeyReply toRichard

yep, fictional books often use real places as settings for their murder mysteries, love stories, dramas, horror stories and comedies.

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Dee WilliamsReply toRichard

The Bible was written before many of these places that are being dug up was considered real. In fact, many scientists, who only believe what can be seen by their limited eyes, often claimed that the places and people in the Bible was fictional. Now that more and more digs are showing that people and places not only existed, but is causing the science community to change their miscalculations of when man became intelligent. Science is limited by discovery, history is not. The Bible is just as much a history book as the ones about our long dead presidents, only more truthful since most in the Bible are not always heroic and perfect.

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PatrickReply toRichard

The story of the bible revolves around an impossible premise, a woman who never had sex got pregnant? Please explain that to me and maybe I wont think you're crazy..

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IcallsemasiseesemReply toRichard

Invitro fertilization.

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ArchieReply toRichard

@Terry - nice attitude. I'm going to bet you're a christian.

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BoforsReply toRichard

Patrick, next you need to stay with Shangri Lai, Camelot and NeverNever Land.

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PatrickReply toRichard

Haha I'm getting thumbs down but no one is offering an explanation... We won't even get into the dinosaurs..

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landl47Reply toRichard

Did anyone ever doubt that the places and races mentioned in the bible are real? Why would they not be? Los Angeles is real and the people who live there are Americans. However, that does not mean that every piece of literature or every movie that is produced by those who live there is factual.

Real people and real places do not equal accurate interpretation of events.

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Nd GallegosReply toRichard

@ Patrick; Genesis 4:1 Now Adam had intercourse with Eve his wife and she became pregnant. In time she gave birth to Cain and said: "I have produced a man with the aid of Jehovah." (New World Translation) The King James Version says "And Adam Knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said "I have gotten a man from the Lord"

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Dee WilliamsReply toRichard

There are a lot of things the Bible doesn't write about in particular, the things it does have in it is there because it means our life it means survival to those who use it correctly. Anybody can buy a DVR, with instructions, but if they place a peanut butter sandwich in it it's not gonna turn into a toaster just because you want it to. The same with the Bible, you want it to be a book of myths so you turn it into toast to pervert it's instructions. A lot of things written about dinosaurs you have to believe from man in the same way as this book that was dug up. This book survived major burning, different rules in civilization, and hatred. Roman Emperor ordered that all early Christian literature be destroyed yet thousands of manuscripts and pieces and fragments survived that. So if left to man, the most hated book in history would not now be the most widely owned book in history.

As far as a virgin getting pregnant, not only do you miss out on God's power being much greater than man's, after all he created the things science still has yet to discover, things seen and unseen. If something can create the sun, moon, etc, it's not sneaking a fastball past ya to know he can place a babe in a womb. God followed creation's rules he had set for us, in order for a perfect human to walk the earth again, he had to be born after 9 months and yet not be born of sin. And no God did not have sex with Mary, that is not backed by the Bible. Let's liken God's holy spirit to the wind, we see proof of the wind in movement, we miss what the wind is doing until we see evidence of pollination on our cars. We see lightening but we don't see how vegetation uses it for growth. Jesus, who gave up his spirit form in heaven in order to become human on earth, was truly and totally human while here, use of God's spirit, or the force he uses, comes from God. When he formed mountains did you think he used actual hands? Separate what you know about the Greek myths and maybe there would be better understanding.

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ditch donkeyReply toRichard

god is a moronic fictional myth. any so called omnipotent deity who says they made the sun, moon and stars is a moron for not knowing the sun IS a FRAKKING STAR itself.

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Dee WilliamsReply toRichard

How was the Grand Canyon formed? We only need to eat to live, but why do we have taste buds? We need water to survive and yet we are filled with water, who set up our body ways of cleansing itself from inside? Why is our thumb not in the middle? Why are our noses not where our ears are? So many creations have antennae where is ours? How is it that science has categories for every species? We all came from the same place right? All made up by same compounds, even the trees and the rocks, and yet our DNA which are like small communities of their own, are decidedly different. God gave instructions on laws and cleanliness to Israel, different to most cities at the time. Written before humans knew that waste can cause disease was instructions to create a waste site outside the city. A doctor in the 1800's (I think it was 1800's) found out that doctor's handling dead bodies then delivering babies or handling other sick people was causing a well known fever at that time. What kind of wisdom led a mere man to write that after handling the dead a person had to be clean before touching anything else? 1000's of years before this doctor figured it out, already written by Moses, in this dug up scrolls, fragments, book. Btw, other doctors called him a quake and was offended when that doc told them to wash their hands. Yes, several wayward Bible copyists did plant untrue and bias to their beliefs sentences here and there, but in revisions holding true to original manuscripts they have been removed. Do you know that people who hoped to disprove the truths in the Bible were the one's who started 'the earth' is flat theory? I say that because this attitude has always been just as there has always been and will always be people who believe the Bible is God's inspired word. Just in case you think man is any more smarter now than in the past just because they choose not to believe.

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Polar GirlReply toRichard


Joseph was a cuckold that got off from watching "God" the Bull impregnate his wife Mary and enjoyed having to raise his kid who enjoyed gay parties in the desert with just 12 other men that lasted 40 days and 40 nights. The Bible didn't mention anything about bull prepping or creampies nor did it mention anything about Jesus turning sand into cocaine or pebbles into Viagra pills when he turned water into wine for his parties. Those details would have been too embarrassing.

A creampie without penetration would have sufficient to impregnate. It could have been an act of further cuckold humiliation to refuse to penetrate and just shoot a creampie on her to impregnate.

I hope that explanation helps.

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Dee WilliamsReply toRichard

Patrick the Bible does not revolve around that premise, that is just a link in the wheels of a chariot. And the Bible and the things in it is only impossible to a limited mind. Just because you are limited does not make things untrue. Especially since you probably never read it just heard it. I don't mind if you think I'm crazy, so believe or not, up to you.

The Bible revolves around what Adam and Eve did in the garden and how it effects us to this day. Jesus' birth as a perfect human is a solution to those effects. People who just want to challenge what they don't even know miniaturize what their egos are so afraid to reason. Anybody that can see a car and know it was created part by part, or see a home or huge building and know it was conceptualized and created, or buy a computer and know some intelligence conceptualized, created, instructed on it's use and yet can't see that something as complicated as a flower, bee, human, let alone the things in the far off space had to have been conceptualized, created, with instructions and precise measurements...well that person can call me crazy all day and we will just be crazy together.

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MonicaReply toRichard

well it is actually about religion because the Philistines are mentioned in the bible, and these findings are confirming the bible right and thanks to the bible mentioned them it is that they have been able to figure out what skeletons these are

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Dee WilliamsReply toRichard

Instead of what the Bible history is, what is told about the near future is more pertinent and will probably make some of you much more happier, temporarily. A Revelation prophecy speaks of all religions...I should say, false religion, will be destroyed by all the ones who support it today like commerce, politicians, governments. The Bible will still stand though, the last part of Rev. says that more will be added to it. When you see this thing with false religion happen, if you can find a bible, you may wanna read what happens next. It's why those that hate religion happiness will only be temporary. Course this may be fable to ya too. I mean the entire reason to deny the Bible is to deny the consequences, the law...etc. What sane man would want to put himself on death row for living life the way he chose? Bible prophecy speaks of that too though, that unbelievers and those who could care less either way would be even while destruction is going on. Which is why anyone believing or not is none of my concern, I don't need that in order to know what I know and speak on it. And no I do not believe I am going to heaven. I do believe if I die right now I would be the same place and in the same condition as any one of you in case of your deaths. In other words, I don't consider myself any more special than those that believe or disbelieve.

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History is written by the victors,and they can come up with whatever story they want.

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SandReply tojohn

@john - It used to be that way.

Not any more.

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johnReply tojohn

Yes,today it's much harder to do that,but it's still possible.

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cesar alexisReply tojohn

So you imply the Holy Spirit is a liar?

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Peter RReply tojohn

I'm not aware the Babylonians left any writing or artifacts about their destruction of the Philistines. Sometimes the victors don't leave any history behind themselves.

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SandReply tojohn

@cesar alexis - Just to let you know; I say that the holy spirit is a liar.

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Joe BReply tojohn

cesar...the holy spirit is a freak invention...how could an invention lie then?

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TheWorldHasGoneMadReply tojohn

Yep. Look how today in modern times the Holocaust is alive and well but no one talks about the millions of German POWs and civilians killed at the hands of the Soviets, Brits and Americans during WW II.

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parsevalReply tojohn

Start a total war, expect a total war, eh?

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cesar alexisReply tojohn

Any sin man committed will be forgiven but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this life or the other...

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parsevalReply tojohn

So how does a person blaspheme against something they might believe doesn't exist?

If indeed the only evidence of that thing is shown to be someone else's "faith" ???

There are many thousands of Mutually Exclusive "faiths",

-which is the correct one ?

The one with the largest quantity of "faith" believers.

The quality of those beliefs?

The sincerity of them ?

Very subjective here

In fact WHERE a person is born and their parents' beliefs have more to do with that person's beliefs than a comparison of various "faith" beliefs .

How could a person possibly go about researching every known extant religion's "faith" beliefs.

But there is one common denominator in every "faith" system.

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Oh sure, but when I go dig up a cemetery they call the police.

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When Saul and Jonathan were killed, the bible states "Tell it not in Ashkelon, and publish it not in Gath, lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughter of the uncircumcised triumph. "

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Pure Logic U Nutc8seReply torobert

Dude circumcision is such a crude practice - all it does is leave a penis unexposed with no natural protection and therefore if the penis gets injured - more likely the infection - there's a reason why countless civilizations aside from pathetic Muslims and Zionists don't practice such a crude tradition- it's dangerous and inhuman and no scientific research so far has proven the claim that it actually lessens chance of STIs - stop thinking thou is truly holier - pathetic unproven beliefs

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GBENROReply torobert

So, circumcision is wrong because God says so? No wonder one of the bible's main conclusions is "Friendship with God is enmity with the world"

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Pure Logic U Nutc8se

Ok the mystery of the Philistine people of the ancient biblical texts have long been identified with probable hypothesis - the Philistines were adopted natives to the land of Canaan and descended from the early Sea Peoples that launched historic invasions of places like Egypts Old Kingdom, the Hittite Empire, and all throughout the Mediterranean at one point during the time as ancient as the Pharoahs of Egypt around Old Kingdom around roughly 2000-1000 BCE. The Philistines were probably remnant tribes of the Sea People's who chose to settle in Canaan and based on what archaeologist find , maybe who knows if time serves correctly we may find more info and this piece of the puzzle can finally shed some light on the Palestinians and their ancient heritage alongside being descendants of Ismail as Jews were from Isaac . They must have ate a lot of pita bread during their time LOL along with kibbeh, yum - hope the archaeologists find some yummy traces.

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Kim Carson

Thanks! Really interesting story. Seeing that skeleton sitting there is pretty amazing. Hope we can learn more from DNA etc.

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DonHReply toKim Carson

thats the archaeologist that is sitting. bring out your dead

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MarkTheDarkReply toKim Carson

Funny Don!

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GaryReply toKim Carson

Newer civilizations from the mid 1970s will have terra cotta bongs fused in their hands.

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Links Gelingts

There is a book by Werner Keller, called " The Bible as History" which correlates physical findings with Bible stories. Like the Gilgamesh, it is History with facts and fiction, invented by people, translating and interpreting and making religion out of it.

It makes for fascinating reading , even and maybe especially , if you are not weighed down with religion to color everything only one way.

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howarddReply toLinks Gelingts

Complete theory!!!

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LyndaReply toLinks Gelingts

This is a spiritual battle, as when the Bible declares that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities. So there are fallen angels who hate God and deceive man and continue to do so. If you read the words of Christ, in the King James Bible, you will find the truth. No other religion or tradition comes close to what Jesus Christ did and continues to do in people's lives. Nowhere will you find a greater love than that which is demonstrated in the New Testament.

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Ebil White DebbelReply toLinks Gelingts

There's a book called The Bible Unearthed by Finklestein and Silber which shows that archaeology disproves the major stories of the Bible. Unfortunately archaeology has been set back by decades because it's long been dominated by Christians trying to force the data into conformity with the Bible.

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LyndaReply toLinks Gelingts

I'm sure there are just as many books that show archaeology proves the Bible to be historically accurate. I know Herod's tomb to be one such example. The proof will always be that all you need to do is ask. Ask Jesus to come into your life, with sincerity and humility. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not do this until they are ready to take their lives or are at the bottom of the barrel, so to speak.

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robertReply toLinks Gelingts

ebil, you name is hilarious..

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Did they ever move to Kentucky?

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HelloReply toJAMES

No. After Noah loaded up the dinosaurs, Goliath was too big to fit in the ark.

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WillReply toJAMES

Thank you both.

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I'm a pastor and,

Here we have an archeolocal dig, and that's all.

Every once in a while a man can grow to extreme size due to hormonal abnormalities, and that's all.

So this is neither a pro or anti God/bible story. And that's all.

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Smile! I Know I Am!Reply toCobra

This proves Goliath didn't exist which proves the Bible is just a bunch of letters written by men and compiled by Constantine in the fourth century.

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CobraReply toCobra

No, this proves smiles only smiles on what he wants to hear.

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Smile! I Know I Am!Reply toCobra

You don't believe the Bible is a collection of letters compiled by Constantine in the fourth century?

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EasyWriterReply toCobra

What or who suggested the discoveries disagreed with any scripture, much less the Christian bible?

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xuReply toCobra

All this proves is no one goliath's stature was buried in that particular grave.

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CobraReply toCobra

Smiles, - The bible also mentions the Egyptians. So since they are in a book you dont believe in I guess there's no such thing as a pyramid.

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JohnReply toCobra

and that's all

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Smile! I Know I Am!Reply toCobra

Cobra, the Bible also mentions houses, does that mean I can't believe houses exist? Are Atheists allowed to believe anything exists that's mentioned in the Bible? Honestly, I find it hard to believe you're a pastor, that was not an intelligent argument.

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DanielReply toCobra

Smile, your argument is not very intelligent. No where did it say it was Goliath.

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CobraReply toCobra

Just following your rules smiley. If my argument was stupid its only because I followed your line of thinking to its logical conclusion.

By the way, ive seen the pyramids. So im pretty sure they exist.

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Smile! I Know I Am!Reply toCobra

No, you're just acting stupid, like most fanatical zealots. Try to use your brain...

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CobraReply toCobra

You're the one who decided finding 6 normal sized skeletons disproves the whole bible. If that's your idea of smart telling me I'm acting stupid is either a meaningless comment or a mega compliment.

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Smile! I Know I Am!Reply toCobra

Your congregation is so lucky to have such a petty, vindictive pastor leading them.

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MichaelReply toCobra

Glad to hear your a "supposed" pastor. I myself happen to be Prince's illegitimate son. He fathered me when he was 18.

See how easy it is to make up stories?

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ragincajunReply toCobra

Th--th--th--that's all, folks !

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TanyaReply toCobra

Incest causes abnormalities, the article also states of that evidence.

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KiraReply toCobra

I agree. I'm not religious or atheist. it's just a logical conclusion. that is all

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