Will greed doom us all? Stephen Hawking warns our current view of wealth could ultimately cause the human race to perish

Richard Gray for MailOnline

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I often wonder if he says all this or is someone logged into his wheelchair
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jokerhystericalfaceReply toThedevilsown
Yes, but you ARE an utter prat, so nobody is paying you any attention...
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Cleopatra88Reply toThedevilsown
That's such a rotten comment.
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To much time on his hands
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He's full of moo
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Hawky is a physicist not an economist or political scientist, DM, why are you printing this drivel?
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chippykingReply toCrocTears
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scowieReply toCrocTears
It's his physics that is drivel. He is more on the money here (pun intentional).
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venomous donkeyReply toCrocTears
Every body including sh is entitled to an opinion.
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Jonathan Frame
Stephen Hawking is a very intelligent man and a great scientist but since he has a lot of time to think due to his disability he probably tends to be a little pessimistic. Personally, I think the threat of nuclear war would be a much greater threat to the human race than anything greed could bring about.
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Gods CopReply toJonathan Frame
And nuclear war pales in significance compared to the threat of rogue AI. Something Prof. Hawking has written at great lengths. You're still living in the sixties
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He should stick to science. I certainly hope he's a bit better at that than he is about his understanding of the society that spawned him.
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Bore off dude. Can't stand his pontificating.
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Coming from a man that's not got a clue yeh I'll Listen to You lol
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Remainer voterReply togary28
Stephen Hawking has more brains is his left nut than you have in your whole body.
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ZARDOZReply togary28
Hawking is a disabled puppet who doesn't speak for himself. See this this video "Stephen Hawking is a lie system puppet (Lesta 2015-05-22)" and watch the spectacle of him being fed but not eating.
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J1987Reply togary28
Haha a remainer who states he lives in Europe. Go and have a picnic dear. This referendum has been a truly satisfying experience. To see the looks on the snowflakes, academics and progressives faces has been a truly wondrous thing. Did you cry, I bet you cried didn't you.
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Remainer voterReply togary28
No I didn't cry we will just hold another referendum. After all whacky Farage said he was going to hold another if he lost so that means we can too.
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preddo53Reply togary28
But you still wont win remainer, don't you understand, you wont win. We never actually voted to go in we were just sort of pressganged in, and I bet you didn't even know that did you. The EU will ensure that you and your ilk will be the first to go, they call people like you useful idiots.
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J1987Reply togary28
You just don't get it do you. We are leaving the EU whether you like it or not. There will not be another referendum. And when that sinks in I bet you cry.
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Ozzie Girl
I wish someone would sort his teeth out..
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T AllenReply toOzzie Girl
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ooobeedoReply toOzzie Girl
He's got enough to worry about
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DontLikeBillReply toOzzie Girl
What a nasty piece of work you are
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Oh! go home Stephan pleas as I am fed up with your stupid remarks just to get into the DM again whatever comes from you is always stupid
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Si63Reply toguyonet
I really hope you're being ironic! There again, this is a DM reader I am addressing...
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End of the world blah, blah, blah
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He's spot on.
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I know I'm shallow for saying this but he creeps me out.
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watcher in the woodReply toBrent
I may be shallow for saying this but without that wheelchair and his disability no one would even know who he is.
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GastoniaReply toBrent
The pair of you are in the expendable "chaff" category, I mentioned in my earlier comment.
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watcher in the woodReply toBrent
Sorry for stepping on your virtue signaling but Steven, while respected by his peers, is not considered to be among the top tier physicists of the world.
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Gods CopReply toBrent
Haha. "Without his disability nobody would know him".... "He's not a top tier physicist"... Treat his political comments as you will (I personally agree with them, but understand others that don't) but his work in the field of physics is undeniable. To state otherwise exposes your own ignorance.
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I predict the ego of a man who thinks he knows everything will swallow him.
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LZ Roberts
Exxon paid $25million to produces studies that man-made global warming isn't occurring. Idiots then believe that there isn't such a problem and Exxon continues to make $Billions. Also, at current 2% rates of wealth extraction by the top 0.1%, there is not going to be any money left in the world in possession of the 99.9% within 23 years. Not a single penny. - The man is right.
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Why do we listen to him, he is totally irellevant..
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apak24Reply tosammyj38
Not totally he sometimes talks some sence
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Stephen Hawking,or the "master", as I like to casll him, is a dalek and doesnt know what he is talking about
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Thaddeus Lovelock
Even when he speaks outside the area of his official expertise, he speaks with great intelligence.
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i dont think of this man as a man with an illness..i think of him as being just a man....and it annoys me how he keeps coming out with totally obvious stuff we already know....and think himself to be some kind of genius...what was the last thing he said before this....summet about it is stupid to think we are alone in the universe....duhh nobody new that until hawking the genius enlightened us.....now greed will kill off humanity...duhh...i can spiel 100 comments out per day that make those by hawking look infantile...and nobody will call me a genius extrordinary man ...
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oMapkoReply toDefJam
One thing you are absolutely correct on - NOBODY will call you a 'genius extraordinary man'. Haha...kudos on spelling 'genius' correctly, though - I'd have bet a tenner on you using a 'j'.
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oMapkoReply toDefJam
Oh, dear. Autocorrect corrected your idiotic attempt to of 'extrordinary'. It's a shame you battled your autocorrect.
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chippykingReply toDefJam
Def jam I agree with you
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he's right leave him alone he's a nice man
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preddo53Reply tobabybaboosh
He is, he's very bright, he believes in imaginary time, imagine that, imaginary time, what is that, he imagined it existed.
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