Now UK Christians are in a minority: Number of people who say they do not identify with any religion reaches almost half after doubling in the past three years

Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail

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Monsta Ronis
Religion is a form of insanity
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Open EyesReply toMonsta Ronis
Man without God is insanity.
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DaveBassettReply toMonsta Ronis
The evidence that there is no God is absolutely overwhelming. In view of that it certainly seems insane to believe..
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We didn't have our children christened and they are now in their 30's and it is up to them to decide what if any religion they choose to follow. How many parents have their children christened and just use the church for this occasion and don't go as a rule. Same with marriages. I was christened catholic and don't practice any religion. My late dad disowned my children because I refused to have them christened catholic. His loss not mine and was very angry when I married at a register office and yet when he remarried he married at a register office.
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Hugh G. HamptonReply todd20145
I have very good recollection and remember a cousin being christened as a baby when I was around two years of age. I suspect I was christened also but will never ask my parents for fear I'll hold it against them.
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Captain Sensible
Religion: at best an emotional crutch for people in a time of need - no issue with that if it is kept private/personal. At worst, an evil controlling mechanism of the masses.I follow Jiminy Cricket - "always let your conscience be your guide".
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rodger the dodger
Irrespective if you believe or not, the important thing is how we treat each other. There is a right way, where we respect each other, are tolerant and try to help each other on our own personal journey, or the wrong way that just creates conflict and strife.
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I was an atheist as soon as they started talking about talking snakes and the rather ludicrous idea of a penguin waddling all the way from antarctica to get on a boat in the middle east.
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Hugh G. HamptonReply tojimbodjango
That wasn't that funny until all those red arrows. Now its hysterical.
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And the minority will get even smaller with 12 million Turks waiting in the wings,
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Good news. Now if we can only leave behind that other 'religion' that's currently on the rise well be making progress.
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Isabella_JackmanReply toRomparose
That is exactly the foolish atheist opinion that is going to give Britain away to the other "religion"!
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God and religion were created by man to control the masses.
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StuDav62Reply toEmily.
So we're newspapers
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I'm an atheist because I prefer to believe in fact, rather than man made fiction.
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Iceman79Reply tocmcewan74
So how did the universe come about then?
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Iceman79Reply tocmcewan74
How do you think the universe came about as an atheist?
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BirchyReply tocmcewan74
You mean you have faith in what scientists say, even though they often contradict each other.
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TheBearReply tocmcewan74
Iceman, what's that got to do with anything? The atheist merely says that they are unmoved by the theist's claims of a god or gods, nothing more. The origins of the universe are unknown, whatever hokey explanations religion may propose (and which of those thousands of creation stories do you believe?). Birchy, there is no faith required in science. We merely go where the evidence leads and unlike faith, which requires denial of evidence to preserve belief, we are quite happy to change our minds. Occasionally, different sets of data produce different results - that's where we have this thing called peer review, repeat experimentation and a scientific debate. It does not prove religion is correct or that science, which is a method rather than a set of beliefs, is wrong.
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BirchyReply tocmcewan74
@TheBear - as most people don't have access to the "evidence", they have to trust what the scientists are telling them. This is called placing your faith.
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Preserved LimeyReply tocmcewan74
Birchy, Reading scientific papers is out there for anyone. There is more access to the evidence of a scientific discovery or a theory that can be tested than there is proof that a god spent 7 days creating the World.
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Pepe1880Reply tocmcewan74
@Birchy, please don't be stupid and place religion, which is based on just wanting to believe it, on the same level as science that requires evidence...
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BirchyReply tocmcewan74
@Preserved Limey/Pepe1880 - Scientific papers are prepared by scientists, and you have to place faith that the data presented is true and accurate, do you not? On that basis, there is plenty of evidence for Christianity being the one, true religion.
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TheBearReply tocmcewan74
@Birchy as you don't have an argument, you are trying to twist words to mean things that they don't mean. That is called semantics.
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A clear indicator of developing intelligence.
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Great news! People are growing up and not believing in imaginary friends in the sky.
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People have lost faith in the church these days and the church clergy have only themselves to blame for this to a great extent.
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Open EyesReply toMillymollymandy73
God is not impressed with numbers, the Bible has shown this time and time again.
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rockdjukReply toMillymollymandy73
What does that actually even mean ?
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We've witnessed what religion does to weak-minded people. We want nothing to do with it and we don't want to depend on a man in the sky who hates women.
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I was forced to go to church when I was young and never believed the rubbish that they were spouting. Don't know much about other religions but the Bible clearly states in Matthew 6:5 that people should not pray in public and those that do are hypocrites. Organised religion is a sham!
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Chase boy
Religion the cause of most wars. Should be banned
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Open EyesReply toChase boy
Prove it, name all the wars that man has fought throughout history and let's examine if they were cause by religion.
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FlumpoReply toChase boy
No greed is the cause of all wars, religion is a convenient tool to encourage others.
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barriejohnReply toChase boy
There is some truth in that statement, but religion has traditionally been used by those in power to bolster nationalism, which has been the basis for much warfare. ALL ideologies - religious and secular - cause division and conflict, and stop people from actually thinking for themselves.
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There is one religion in UK that is expanding via high birth rate, try leaving that one and see what happens to you!
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martinReply toidontbelieveit
because the religion believers have the ambition to outnumber the christian total number. they are taught that their religion is the true one, given by their god.
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idontbelieveitReply toidontbelieveit
To be fair, Christians are told that too!!
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FenwomanReply toidontbelieveit
Martin *all* religions believe that *their* god is the One True God. In reality, they are all deluded idiots, there is no god or gods.
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Well as a Christian about to get married, I found nothing but obstruction to my fiancé and I getting married in church. The rules about which church you can marry in depending on where you live, the fact he had been married before....the church needs to move with the times, be more welcoming. We would've married in a church had we not felt so unwelcome and been faced with rules that are unresponsive to modern day life.
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Carlos2K1Reply toFlyGirl1977
Probably would have been easier to 'marry' a women these days FlyGirl?
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Robster7Reply toFlyGirl1977
What a contradiction-calls themselves a Christian -ie believer in Jesus Chris who condemned divorce-then complains when it dosent suit their purpose.
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FlyGirl1977Reply toFlyGirl1977
Well Robster7 - there you prove my point. Judging and condemning with regards to the divorce I mentioned, unmoving and unwelcoming. You have no idea why it happened - and believe me it should not prevent us as a couple getting married in church. I'm pretty sure Jesus himself would've taken a different approach and I try to hang onto that thought.
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One thing is certain, right or wrong, believe or not, religion kept a focus for the population for a long time. Christianity in the UK became controlled by a very materialistic system based in Rome, then people rebelled to follow British forms of "direct" Christianity, it waned during the 18th Century but had a re-awakening with Methodism etc, muscular Christianity became the backbone of mid and late Victorian life. In the 20th Century, after WW2, people have become less spiritual and worship materialism and celebrity - a bit like the "Eyesight To The Blind" section of The Who's "Tommy" film. People are growing apart and are more suspicious and selfish. While we are weakened, those of a different religion will move in by guile and even force and control us. Then God help us !
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sdgreenReply toLachlan
Very good observation. Another problem could be the number of non-Christian immigrants although have not seen any statistics on that issue.
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This comes as no surprise. As people become better educated they become less religious.
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gomerbReply toFoto
You mean that as they become more materialistic, they have less of a spiritual need!
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DonnyReply toFoto
Because the religious aren't materialistic at all? "Donations please! Donations please! So that we may do the work of the Lord".
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TheBearReply toFoto
gomerb, see your point but no. As they understand more about the natural world, the cosmos, physics and biology, people have no need of the "god did it" explanations prevalent in holy books. For example, pregnancy and childbirth are no longer miracles because we now understand them on a cellular level. To anyone who didn't understand how they work, yes, I could understand how they might be thought of as happening only with the intervention of a supernatural power. But we've moved on and god, as Neil Tyson says, is merely an ever-decreasing pocket of scientific ignorance.
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It's a dangerous thing, religion. We forget what people have done in the name of Christianity, and consider it above all other religions. Anyone who believes in an unidentified entity that rules everything is worryingly subjugated and needs help.
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IShouldBePMReply toperdita
< Please insert the name of ANY religion in the statement above >
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