Now UK Christians are in a minority: Number of people who say they do not identify with any religion reaches almost half after doubling in the past three years

Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail

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Kev D.C.
Excellent. Now keep it going until the scourge of religion is consigned to the dustbin of history where it belongs.
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I don't understand atheists who constantly berate the Christian religion at the same time actively promote most Eastern religions especially their many religious holidays, schools, journalists and MPs all seem to go out of their way to say how wonderful these religions are, what are they up to ?
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LondonzoneReply toTomcat
Many of them are Marxist "Frankfurt school" followers! (Yo,uTube)
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FenwomanReply toTomcat
I am an atheist. I don't 'berate' the Christian religion or any religion. Nor do any of my atheist friends. We are bemused that any sane person believes they have a special imaginary friend who looks after them and tells them that *their* imaginary friend is better than all other imaginary friends. All religions are equal in our eyes, they are all nonsense.
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Someone Else2Reply toTomcat
All religion, mysticism, astrology, homeopathy, ghosts etc is nonsense. There is just physics, biology and evolution.
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I just love the "Uneducated, infantile, not intelligent" comments. People cannot see the particles in the Hadron Collider but the evidence of their behaviour is there. I am a Bishop and have seen enough real evidence that other planes of existence exist. What will money and politicians do for you? Nothing.I am no "Bible Thumper" and am a scientist myself before I was ordained. Yet I find no other explanation suitable for our existence other than a superior intelligence behind it all. Even Einstein was in awe as an atheist. Atheism to is a religion if you think about it. And why judge Christianity-real Christianity along with another ceertain religion that currently pushes us to "revert". Dear Gid I pity the women and atheists when that religion takes over, as it will soon.
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fruitandnutReply togreeny
Well if there is a superior religion as you say it has nothing to do with the Bible, I think that's the point.
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MBAAAReply togreeny
"Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position" Bill Maher
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Finally the drivel that is/was thrust upon us as children is being eased out. There are of course still clusters of sanctimonious people that gather to be seen as Christian's.................................Life's good without god bo--oc-s
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This is good news. We need to leave behind childish beliefs and stop pretending feelings and imagination are proof of a supernatural entity. Put away that book filled with contradictions, juvenile story telling and primative philosophy. Instead observe reality and use your reasoning faculty to understand it.
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Perhaps its because people are at last seeing the truth in the saying, 'those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atroc ities'.
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RogerReply tobar
You mean like the 100 million civilians murdered by atheist regimes in the last century ?
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Ed80Reply tobar
Roger; those regimes blindly believed in extreme ideologies, they were pretty much religions led by demi-gods
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MccfuzzReply tobar
Roger! You could also mention that the extreme athiestic regimes were Marxist/socialist!
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RogerReply tobar
No they were regimes based without Christian morality. Chinas treatment of its people has been little different for thousands of years. Marxism believes in suppressing and eliminating Christianity because its morality was in opposition to the very basis of Marxist atheism.
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barReply tobar
What the Marxists were lacking was democracy rather that Christianity. Even Marxists were moral people and rather more so that we are today going on what I read here on most days.
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DarmokReply tobar
Look how those atheist societies Sweden, Norway and Japan are currently imploding as they murder each other as they don't have Christina values...oh wait.
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I'm a Christian but was very disappointed when I went to church of the judgement if you missed one Sunday, of the differing beliefs of each denomination. Jesus wouldn't like so much misunderstanding of His words and the amount Paul's words seem to matter more. Nobody wants strangers telling you what to do with your life, how to live it, who to marry etc. Religion is just about control which it shouldn't be.
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Humans evolve continually,and their brains also. Given enough time the religious myth will become extinct.
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Anne Dales
I was christened at 10 years old to be able to go to a particular school. I sat through Sunday school for several weeks beforehand. As an intelligent child who had been brought up to be honest, and kind to others, to think and act morally without recourse by my parents of threats of eternal damnation I saw through the fiction, but put up with the process of being christened.When the time came to be confirmed at school, I was the only person who flatly refused.Religion has given us some wonderful buildings, some fabulous music, and not much else except most of the wars throughout history. Any thinking person should be able to see this.
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Good news. Now can we ditch the "daily act of worship" in schools, please?
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sclerderReply tomillie
And what will you replace it with? For certainly something will replace it..... think about what you wish for.
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ChalkwizardReply tomillie
How about a morning meeting where we enjoy hearing about nice things that have actually happened and start the day on a positive note?
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What's the proportion of sensible people, sorry I mean atheists.
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RichardReply toChalkwizard
The fool says in his heart there is no God.
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ROBURReply toChalkwizard
I really do not understand how anyone with any intelligence can believe in primitive superstitious rubbish. Any cursory study of any religion, particularly Christianity, will see so many inconsistencies in the faith. It is easy to illustrate that they are all man-made by the very fact that even Judaism only goes back about 6,000 years. What did humans believe in the hundreds of thousands of years and millennia before that, and what happened to their souls?
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Since the beginning of time, man has always wanted dominance over his fellow man and many more have needed someone to worship. Those in control invented religion and to this day millions around the world, no matter how poor, will drop to their knees and worship a being they've never seen while the 'religious leaders' make a fortune and get lots of sex!
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BirchyReply toJonno
I've heard this so many times, but who are "those in control"? The apostles and early Christians who spread Christianity were all killed for their beliefs. They had no control over anyone, neither did they recant their belief under pain of death.
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Dom and WolfhoundReply toJonno
Jonno, I think you misread belief and intentions. Many people, we'll call them humans, feel they need need something greater, something outside of themselves, to which they can aspire. That others seize upon this need to dominate, I agree, but it doesn't make the beliefs any less worthy for all that.
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I just don't understand how any right minded person can believe in gods. The heads of one of the branches of Christianity were travelling around the country yesterday with a piece of old bone proclaiming it to be from some 800 year old Archbishop. I mean, it was mind bogglingly stupid!
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Arkley Barnet
Big mistake, all the Western haters that mock Christians including on here are just paving the way for the other lot to take over the empty churches seeing as they are growing and PC will demand it.Where will you go then to get married should the bride want a church wedding, to have the kids christened with a small c and to get buried.The Western Christian churches will be gone and the haters will rejoice.Atheists of old have been a good bunch and I respect their stance but they have recently been infiltrated by haters of everything Western, Christian and Historic.Apart from those Irish fellas that don't represent normal decent Irish people or Catholics, when was the las time a Christian has mass killed.Apart from the fourth formers at school assembly back in '68.
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If I have "faith" that my car won't break down, it doesn't have any effect on stopping the car from breaking down. If I saw someone choking on the street, would I have "faith" and pray that they will be ok, or do I take action and save the person myself? Faith, prayer are useless time wasting exercises that give all the credit to a "God" that doesn't deserve any credit.
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keith 62 norwichReply toJeedee
all i can say is i will waste my time and pray for you
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JeedeeReply toJeedee
Thanks then for wasting your time.
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DanReply toJeedee
On the other hand, placebos have been clinically proven to work. Sugar pills can improve a patients condition if they believe it's medicine. Don't underestimate the power of positive expectation.
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Well look out UK one day soon you will rue the day!
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Mrs Brexit
The reason so many have turned away from the church is because they are sick and angry about being told to open their hearts (and purses) to the uncontrolled numbers of poor gimmegrants. My particular beef is the Church of England led by that failed businessman Justin Welby, who is not content to lead a sheeple congregation of god bothers, but he wants to poke his particularly large hooter into politics and form the agenda. Not in my name mate.
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Open EyesReply toMrs Brexit
No, they have turned from God because they want to do so and follow their own lust....the church has been preaching Christ for centuries and they have always had this problem with each generation.
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penelope clareReply toMrs Brexit
All over Western Europe religion is dying. People simply do not believe in an all powerful Deity that allows such terrible suffering .
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red cloud
On my birth certificate under religion it has C/of E No one knows how ones life will roll out so I cannot see why an innocent baby should be given a religious "tag". Why should anyone including Parents decide how your life should be lived before you have the mental ability to make your own choices?.
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BirchyReply tored cloud
So don't send them to school either, or on a day trip with their parents as they may not like that place when they are older, etc..
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DonnyReply tored cloud
Imagine putting Labour, Conservative or Lib Dem on a newborn baby's birth certificate. There are no religious children, only children with religious parents.
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It worries me nearly half do believe in this superstitious nonsense.
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ALL religion are minority's because most NORMAL people live In the real world
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RichardReply toHoddy
The only realists in this world are the Christians.
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