Humans will NOT survive another 1,000 years on Earth, says Stephen Hawking: Physicist warns we must 'escape beyond our fragile planet'

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Alexandra Sands
Even though I left school at 14 without one exam to my name, I think I am as intelligent as him as I could have told him that. We have destroyed our planet. But we could be destroyed by an asteroid as well. Now I worked that out and I did not even go to University.
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nufc1995Reply toAlexandra Sands
Because you understand one thing he said, you're as smart as one of the most renowned physicists of all time? I think you need to look up the Dunning-Kruger effect.
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Rubbish, then again he is a pro space travel enthusiast.
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nullReply toNoodleWoodle
Take the blinkers off and open your eyes just like the dinosaurs we will go the same way if we do not reach out and travel beyond our own mud ball
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The human race should never be allowed to leave this planet. They have ruined earth and will never learn.
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B S Misanthropic propaganda from the elite demonising the common masses, and gullibly you swallow this religion, More "wise" words from the establishment's puppet brain in a vat. He sure does a lot with his magic right cheek muscle, that we've never seen him enter text with. All that book writing, each character of which required multiple cheek twitches to move a cursor on a screen back and forth across the alphanumeric character set, presumably pausing for character confirmation, or a fast double twitch wich we've again have never seen. He does all this in between his "carers" pretending to feed him by shoving food up his nose because he can't swallow. See the video " "Stephen Hawking" is a lie system puppet (Lesta 2015-05-22) ". The guy is massively disabled and just sits there while the loudspeaker outputs other peoples propaganda. And because people think it's shameful questioning a disabled person, they swallow obvious B S unthinkingly. Genius when you think about it.
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He has one switch propped above his right cheek we've never seen him use while "speaking". Do you think you could write a book with phone text, 10 buttons?, This guy supposedly wrote quite a few and contributed to the establishment's media, all with ONE BUTTON, for many years. You believe this because you're trained to obediently agree. Even the greatest geniuses worked things out on paper while creating their formulas, this guy we are led to believe does it all in his head, or do you think he uses he right cheek muscle to write down scientific symbols?
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HalesowenmumReply toZARD0Z
Er he doesn't use 'just one button' you pillock, he uses eye movements to select characters in order to create loads of text in a short space of time. Having said that, if he REALLY said we all need to move to Mars, he's lost the plot.
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B S Misanthropic propaganda from the elite demonising the common masses, and gullibly you swallow this religion, More "wise" words from the establishment's puppet brain in a vat. He sure does a lot with his magic right cheek muscle, that we've never seen him enter text with. All that book writing, each character of which required multiple cheek twitches to move a cursor on a screen back and forth across the alphanumeric character set, presumably pausing for character confirmation, or a fast double twitch wich we've again have never seen. He does all this in between his "carers" pretending to feed him by shoving food up his nose because he can't swallow. See the video " "Stephen Hawking" is a lie system puppet (Lesta 2015-05-22) ". The guy is massively disabled and just sits there while the loudspeaker outputs other peoples propaganda. And because people think it's shameful questioning a disabled person, they swallow obvious B S unthinkingly. Genius when you think about it.
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He has one switch propped above his right cheek we've never seen him use while "speaking". Do you think you could write a book with phone text, 10 buttons?, This guy supposedly wrote quite a few and contributed to the establishment's media, all with ONE BUTTON, for many years. You believe this because you're trained to obediently agree. Even the greatest geniuses worked things out on paper while creating their formulas, this guy we are led to believe does it all in his head, or do you think he uses he right cheek muscle to write down scientific symbols?
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Humans could easily survive on Earth for many millenniums with proper management and more importantly control of population size. It should be about half what it is now to be properly sustainable without continued genetic engineering and destruction of the environment.
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Skeptic_1Reply toWorldview
Although I agree with you on one level, I think you have left out the possibility of some other global killer, such as an asteroid or a killer virus, and many other that could be listed or have not been though about yet. By having more than one "home" for mankind there is a good chance that mankind can survive beyond one of these events.
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Good. The sooner our vile species disappears the better off the planet and it's other inhabitants will be. Humans don't deserve this earth.
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foghorn leghorn
He is right? the human infestation of this planet is at breaking point.
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What is he saying?. We should go and find another planet we can screw up. I think one is enough, we just have to go with planet earth.
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He's in a niche market where it's impossible to confirm or dispel his theories. Personally, not a fan.
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UK-RIPReply toPressacian
Totally agree but we need to put a better argument across for why he's talking nonsense!
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We have destroyed this planet. I doubt it will survive another 500 years, let alone 1000. I hope we go extinct and never manage to inhabit and destroy other planets..
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Both Hawkin and David Attenborogh are correct. The planet has already reached the tipping point. We are horribly overpopulated and there are not enough resources to go round. At the rate were going I doubt we will last another 100 years as a species. Has anyone else noticed how the population of the UK has soared over the past 10 years or so? It has become a stressful chore to move anywhere and we have way too many homeless already. The governments answer? Import even more people because it's good for the economy. We do not need another million houses in the UK, we need FEWER people!
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AnnaReply topeter39887
You are SOOO right Peter
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No thanks. If earth cannot sustain itself then it isn't meant to be. It is shameful what humans have done to it. But I still believe it is spectacular and something to be respected. Maybe those hostile towards each other and the planet can kindly leave.
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For many years now Ive held similar views about the Earths ability to survive.I look at all the cars and think of the oils being used.How long can that last.The population explosion.Seas fished out. How long can it all go on.And of course the ever present threat of nuclear Armageddon.Some crazy will hit the button and its Goodnight Vienna.
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User Not Found
Stephen Hawking will still be around for sure. Uploaded onto a memory stick and transported to another dimension, might have teething problems with the voice activated space launcher though.
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For a bloke who doesn't get out much, He sure do know a lot
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Oh my gosh, this universal pessimism is killing me, it's killing us. Get a clue people. We adapt, we overcome, we survive, and we thrive! Three cheers for the human race! Let's kick some ass!!
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I suspect Jesus will have returned by then, and the earth will be renewed.
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Flash Harry
The world's population is too big to be sustainable. We are too successful and nature will be brutal with us!
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If half the resources (brains , money and activity) being spent on trying to find a way for very few humans to travel in space was directed to solving our 'earthly' problems we would not need to look for another 'paradise'..Nature has provided us with the perfect place to live and we seem hell bent on destroying it, so what is the point in trying to find another planet to do the same thing...
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