United States to adopt bison as national mammal

Michael Walsh Reporter

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Why get excited? It will offend some cultures or religions I am sure.

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lazyeightReply toTina's

It is cloven of the hoof and cheweth the cud, so it's halal and kosher already.

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Leave it up to the get-nothing-done Republican congress to come up with another thing to distract us from the real issues.

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More stupidity why not the endangered white man?

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CatherineReply toME

Because there are plenty of them and it is already illegal to hunt them.

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I thought Harriet Tubman was going to be the national mammal.

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CatherineReply toBilbo

No, her picture is going on the twenty dollar bill. Glad to help you figure this one out.

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Glory Halliburton

A powerful symbol for modern Americans, also being removed from their lands and freedom, and are being corralled up into urban centers to be vacinated and scientifically managed.

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lazyeightReply toGlory Halliburton

Enjoy your pertussis at home, alone, Glory.

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The bison are certainly a tasty animal, but the grizzly bear at the top of the food chain would make a better national symbol as far as mammals go.

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I am sorry, but I MUST protest this!! A Blackbird is a mammal, why are you discriminating against them!! Is it because they are Black? Blackbird lives DO matter!!

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Joe America

I've eaten buffalo and they are delicious.

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Funny seeing how America did all they could to wipe them out 100+ years ago!

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We have good news and bad news for you: You were just named our national mammal and we are going to drive you to extinction.

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Whew, what a relief. I heard Obama put in a real push for the hairy-nosed wombat! Go figure...

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Our national animals always seem to be the ones we nearly wiped out for profit. There's a metaphor here somewhere...

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Thank you for not calling the Bison a Buffalo.

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Bill VReply toThomas

Both "bison" and "American buffalo"--and, by extension, "buffalo"--are correct.

Do some research next time, before attempting to be so pedantic.

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ThomasReply toThomas

technically a bison is not a buffalo - although it is "acceptable" for the uninformed to refer to a bison as a "buffalo". Therefore you don't need to get your back up in defense of your ignorance Bill. I stand by my stated appreciation of the correct use of the term Bison in referring to the Bison in this article. Ignorance is bliss, Bill. Please continue to enjoy your your own version of it.

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B. Foot

The Buffalo are a Nobel beast...They deserve recognition and protection. Good my Buffalo friends!

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EricReply toB. Foot

Which Nobel distinction are you referring to? The Nobel Peace prize? The Nobel prize For science? Or do you mean noble?

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Does this author NOT know the BISON is not a BUFFALO? For those unaware, the BUFFALO never roamed here in the USA and is not native to North America, only the Bison. This is also true of the ANTELOPE.

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Another legacy of the Obama Administration!

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lazyeightReply toAlex

You are correct.

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Another legacy of the Obama Administration!

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lazyeightReply toAlex

You are correct.

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Can't wait for the annual Bison Day Parade! Bring on the Bison Burgers!

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Ironic, considering the Bison's eradication to near extinction, played a large, and pivotal part in the genocide of Native Americans. Should we make Smallpox the national disease?

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J. Peron

How about an official language first.

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